To install the Relay extension for PHP using Homebrew, first add the tap:
brew tap cachewerk/tap
Next, determine your PHP version using php -v
and install the matching extension:
brew install relay # PHP 8.3
brew install relay@8.2 # PHP 8.2
brew install relay@7.4 # PHP 7.4
The installation might abort and you'll be prompted to install some PHP extensions that Relay requires. You can install them using PECL:
pecl install msgpack
pecl install igbinary
After the installation is completed, be sure to restart your PHP-FPM and web server services:
sudo brew services restart php
sudo brew services restart nginx
brew uninstall relay
rm $(php-config --ini-dir)/ext-relay.ini
# brew uninstall relay@8.1
# rm $($(brew --prefix php@8.1)/bin/php-config --ini-dir)/ext-relay.ini
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/etc/relay
Check the formula syntax before committing.
brew style cachewerk/tap