This is a mix between using CubeMX to create the project with AzureRTOS enabled on both cores and
adding parts from the LCD_DSI_CmdMode_DoubleBuffer
example for STM32H747I_DISCO
M4 will :
- toggle the orange LED twice per second using 1 tx thread
- write things on the UART once per second using 1 tx thread
- read data from I2C1 and put the retrieved data in shared memory for M7 using 1 tx thread
- read data from I2C4, same as above; this includes data from touch-screen interface circuit
M7 will : 0. setup LCD display through some calls to BSP before launching the tx threads
- toggle blue LED once per second; retrieve touch screen data from the shared memory and post PEN events for guix using 1 tx thread; toggle green LED on PEN_DOWN and PEN_UP events
- start guix using 1 tx thread and setup a timer to periodically update a displayed value obtained from the shared memory (I2C data sent by M4)
GUIX was added as a git submodule
The display is generated from GUIX Studio and the large font is also generated by GS from the Cascadia Code font available here :