24.11.2022: Read Recomendations.
This is a mod menu with ImGui for Android Unity Games Preview (built in Standoff 2):
the open code of this menu was initially merged, I fixed it and made it under Android Studio The original open source source belongs to OzMod
By hooking eglSwapBuffers and Register Natives and then nativeInjectEvent. Yes, i know that it's very old way. I know there is a much better way to hook these 2 functions, (but it not recomended yet). It easily crashing. Because this is old project, i decided to open to public it now. Just know, The shit-code you see is not my level in 2022. Many things changed from first creation time.
I even realized that CMake is not good for building at all, but i won't update all of these things on GitHub. So it's FULLY your risks, and wishes of the library.
- Copy your builded lib to lib/armeabi-v7a
- Load the library on Activity Start.
The main activity of Unity is: com/unity/player/UnityPlayerActivity
const-string v0, "_ozMod" # Library name
invoke-static {v0}, Ljava/lang/System;->loadLibrary(Ljava/lang/String;)V
This is due to ESP. Because initially ESP was made for the game BPM
- This is the old project. If you really need to understand and build it, then do it by yourself, this project is no longer maintained.
OpenGL (GLESv2), EGL