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JavaCPP Presets for DNNL

Gitter Maven Central Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)
Build status for all platforms: dnnl Commercial support: xscode


This directory contains the JavaCPP Presets module for:

Please refer to the parent file for more detailed information about the JavaCPP Presets.


Java API documentation is available here:

Sample Usage

Here is a simple example of DNNL ported to Java from this C++ source file:

We can use Maven 3 to download and install automatically all the class files as well as the native binaries. To run this sample code, after creating the pom.xml and source files below, simply execute on the command line:

 $ mvn compile exec:java

The pom.xml build file


The source file

* Copyright 2018-2019 Intel Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

/// @example cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp
/// @copybrief cpu_cnn_inference_int8_cpp
/// > Annotated version: @ref cpu_cnn_inference_int8_cpp

/// @page cpu_cnn_inference_int8_cpp CNN int8 inference example
/// This C++ API example demonstrates how to run AlexNet's conv3 and relu3
/// with int8 data type.
/// > Example code: @ref cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp

import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;

import org.bytedeco.dnnl.*;
import static*;

public class CpuCnnInferenceInt8 {

    static long product(long[] dims) {
        long accumulate = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < dims.length; i++) accumulate *= dims[i];
        return accumulate;

    static void simple_net_int8() throws Exception {
        engine cpu_engine = new engine(engine.kind.cpu, 0);
        stream s = new stream(cpu_engine);

        int batch = 8;

/// Configure tensor shapes
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Configure tensor shapes
//[Configure tensor shapes]
        // AlexNet: conv3
        // {batch, 256, 13, 13} (x)  {384, 256, 3, 3}; -> {batch, 384, 13, 13}
        // strides: {1, 1}
        long[] conv_src_tz = { batch, 256, 13, 13 };
        long[] conv_weights_tz = { 384, 256, 3, 3 };
        long[] conv_bias_tz = { 384 };
        long[] conv_dst_tz = { batch, 384, 13, 13 };
        long[] conv_strides = { 1, 1 };
        long[] conv_padding = { 1, 1 };
//[Configure tensor shapes]

/// Next, the example configures the scales used to quantize f32 data
/// into int8. For this example, the scaling value is chosen as an
/// arbitrary number, although in a realistic scenario, it should be
/// calculated from a set of precomputed values as previously mentioned.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Choose scaling factors
//[Choose scaling factors]
        // Choose scaling factors for input, weight, output and bias quantization
        float[] src_scales = { 1.8f };
        float[] weight_scales = { 2.0f };
        float[] bias_scales = { 1.0f };
        float[] dst_scales = { 0.55f };

        // Choose channel-wise scaling factors for convolution
        float[] conv_scales = new float[384];
        int scales_half = 384 / 2;
        for (int i = 0;               i < scales_half;        i++) conv_scales[i] = 0.3f;
        for (int i = scales_half + 1; i < conv_scales.length; i++) conv_scales[i] = 0.8f;
//[Choose scaling factors]

/// The *source, weights, bias* and *destination* datasets use the single-scale
/// format with mask set to '0', while the *output* from the convolution
/// (conv_scales) will use the array format where mask = 2 corresponding
/// to the output dimension.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Set scaling mask
//[Set scaling mask]
        int src_mask = 0;
        int weight_mask = 0;
        int bias_mask = 0;
        int dst_mask = 0;
        int conv_mask = 2; // 1 << output_channel_dim
//[Set scaling mask]

        // Allocate input and output buffers for user data
        float[] user_src = new float[batch * 256 * 13 * 13];
        float[] user_dst = new float[batch * 384 * 13 * 13];

        // Allocate and fill buffers for weights and bias
        float[] conv_weights = new float[(int)product(conv_weights_tz)];
        float[] conv_bias = new float[(int)product(conv_bias_tz)];

/// Create the memory primitives for user data (source, weights, and bias).
/// The user data will be in its original 32-bit floating point format.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Allocate buffers
//[Allocate buffers]
        memory user_src_memory = new memory(
                new memory.desc(conv_src_tz, memory.data_type.f32, memory.format_tag.nchw),
                cpu_engine, new FloatPointer(user_src));
        memory user_weights_memory = new memory(
                new memory.desc(conv_weights_tz, memory.data_type.f32, memory.format_tag.oihw),
                cpu_engine, new FloatPointer(conv_weights));
        memory user_bias_memory = new memory(
                new memory.desc(conv_bias_tz, memory.data_type.f32, memory.format_tag.x),
                cpu_engine, new FloatPointer(conv_bias));
//[Allocate buffers]

/// Create a memory descriptor for each convolution parameter.
/// The convolution data uses 8-bit integer values, so the memory
/// descriptors are configured as:
/// * 8-bit unsigned (u8) for source and destination.
/// * 8-bit signed (s8) for bias and weights.
///  > **Note**
///  > The destination type is chosen as *unsigned* because the
///  > convolution applies a ReLU operation where data results \f$\geq 0\f$.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Create convolution memory descriptors
//[Create convolution memory descriptors]
        memory.desc conv_src_md = new memory.desc(conv_src_tz, memory.data_type.u8, memory.format_tag.any);
        memory.desc conv_bias_md = new memory.desc(conv_bias_tz, memory.data_type.s8, memory.format_tag.any);
        memory.desc conv_weights_md = new memory.desc(conv_weights_tz, memory.data_type.s8, memory.format_tag.any);
        memory.desc conv_dst_md = new memory.desc(conv_dst_tz, memory.data_type.u8, memory.format_tag.any);
//[Create convolution memory descriptors]

/// Create a convolution descriptor passing the int8 memory
/// descriptors as parameters.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Create convolution descriptor
//[Create convolution descriptor]
        convolution_forward.desc conv_desc = new convolution_forward.desc(prop_kind.forward,
                algorithm.convolution_direct, conv_src_md, conv_weights_md, conv_bias_md,
                conv_dst_md, conv_strides, conv_padding, conv_padding);
//[Create convolution descriptor]

/// Configuring int8-specific parameters in an int8 primitive is done
/// via the Attributes Primitive. Create an attributes object for the
/// convolution and configure it accordingly.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Configure scaling
//[Configure scaling]
        primitive_attr conv_attr = new primitive_attr();
        conv_attr.set_output_scales(conv_mask, conv_scales);
//[Configure scaling]

/// The ReLU layer from Alexnet is executed through the PostOps feature. Create
/// a PostOps object and configure it to execute an _eltwise relu_ operation.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Configure post-ops
//[Configure post-ops]
        float ops_scale = 1.f;
        float ops_alpha = 0.f; // relu negative slope
        float ops_beta = 0.f;
        post_ops ops = new post_ops();
        ops.append_eltwise(ops_scale, algorithm.eltwise_relu, ops_alpha, ops_beta);
//[Configure post-ops]

        // check if int8 convolution is supported
        try {
            convolution_forward.primitive_desc conv_prim_desc = new convolution_forward.primitive_desc(
                    conv_desc, conv_attr, cpu_engine);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (e.getMessage().contains("status = " + dnnl_unimplemented)) {
                System.err.println("Intel DNNL does not have int8 convolution "
                                 + "implementation that supports this system. Please refer to "
                                 + "the developer guide for details.");
            throw e;

/// Create a primitive descriptor using the convolution descriptor
/// and passing along the int8 attributes in the constructor. The primitive
/// descriptor for the convolution will contain the specific memory
/// formats for the computation.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Create convolution primitive descriptor
//[Create convolution primitive descriptor]
        convolution_forward.primitive_desc conv_prim_desc = new convolution_forward.primitive_desc(
                conv_desc, conv_attr, cpu_engine);
//[Create convolution primitive descriptor]

/// Create a memory for each of the convolution's data input
/// parameters (source, bias, weights, and destination). Using the convolution
/// primitive descriptor as the creation parameter enables Intel DNNL
/// to configure the memory formats for the convolution.
/// Scaling parameters are passed to the reorder primitive via the attributes
/// primitive.
/// User memory must be transformed into convolution-friendly memory
/// (for int8 and memory format). A reorder layer performs the data
/// transformation from f32 (the original user data) into int8 format
/// (the data used for the convolution). In addition, the reorder
/// transforms the user data into the required memory format (as explained
/// in the simple_net example).
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Quantize data and weights
//[Quantize data and weights]
        memory conv_src_memory = new memory(conv_prim_desc.src_desc(), cpu_engine);
        primitive_attr src_attr = new primitive_attr();
        src_attr.set_output_scales(src_mask, src_scales);
        reorder.primitive_desc src_reorder_pd = new reorder.primitive_desc(cpu_engine,
                user_src_memory.get_desc(), cpu_engine,
                conv_src_memory.get_desc(), src_attr, false);
        reorder src_reorder = new reorder(src_reorder_pd);
        src_reorder.execute(s, user_src_memory, conv_src_memory);

        memory conv_weights_memory = new memory(conv_prim_desc.weights_desc(), cpu_engine);
        primitive_attr weight_attr = new primitive_attr();
        weight_attr.set_output_scales(weight_mask, weight_scales);
        reorder.primitive_desc weight_reorder_pd = new reorder.primitive_desc(cpu_engine,
                user_weights_memory.get_desc(), cpu_engine,
                conv_weights_memory.get_desc(), weight_attr, false);
        reorder weight_reorder = new reorder(weight_reorder_pd);
        weight_reorder.execute(s, user_weights_memory, conv_weights_memory);

        memory conv_bias_memory = new memory(conv_prim_desc.bias_desc(), cpu_engine);
        primitive_attr bias_attr = new primitive_attr();
        bias_attr.set_output_scales(bias_mask, bias_scales);
        reorder.primitive_desc bias_reorder_pd = new reorder.primitive_desc(cpu_engine,
                user_bias_memory.get_desc(), cpu_engine,
                conv_bias_memory.get_desc(), bias_attr, false);
        reorder bias_reorder = new reorder(bias_reorder_pd);
        bias_reorder.execute(s, user_bias_memory, conv_bias_memory);
//[Quantize data and weights]

        memory conv_dst_memory = new memory(conv_prim_desc.dst_desc(), cpu_engine);

/// Create the convolution primitive and add it to the net. The int8 example
/// computes the same Convolution +ReLU layers from AlexNet simple-net.cpp
/// using the int8 and PostOps approach. Although performance is not
/// measured here, in practice it would require less computation time to achieve
/// similar results.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Create convolution primitive
//[Create convolution primitive]
        convolution_forward conv = new convolution_forward(conv_prim_desc);
        conv.execute(s, new IntMemoryMap()
                .put(DNNL_ARG_SRC, conv_src_memory)
                .put(DNNL_ARG_WEIGHTS, conv_weights_memory)
                .put(DNNL_ARG_BIAS, conv_bias_memory)
                .put(DNNL_ARG_DST, conv_dst_memory));
//[Create convolution primitive]

/// @page cpu_cnn_inference_int8_cpp
/// Finally, *dst memory* may be dequantized from int8 into the original
/// f32 format. Create a memory primitive for the user data in the original
/// 32-bit floating point format and then apply a reorder to transform the
/// computation output data.
/// @snippet cpu_cnn_inference_int8.cpp Dequantize the result
//[Dequantize the result]
        memory user_dst_memory = new memory(
                new memory.desc(conv_dst_tz, memory.data_type.f32, memory.format_tag.nchw),
                cpu_engine, new FloatPointer(user_dst));
        primitive_attr dst_attr = new primitive_attr();
        dst_attr.set_output_scales(dst_mask, dst_scales);
        reorder.primitive_desc dst_reorder_pd = new reorder.primitive_desc(cpu_engine,
                conv_dst_memory.get_desc(), cpu_engine,
                user_dst_memory.get_desc(), dst_attr, false);
        reorder dst_reorder = new reorder(dst_reorder_pd);
        dst_reorder.execute(s, conv_dst_memory, user_dst_memory);
//[Dequantize the result]


    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        try (PointerScope scope = new PointerScope()) {
            System.out.println("Simple-net-int8 example passed!");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.err.println("exception: " + e);