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JavaCPP Presets for Spinnaker

Gitter Maven Central Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)
Build status for all platforms: spinnaker Commercial support: xscode


This directory contains the JavaCPP Presets module for:

Please refer to the parent file for more detailed information about the JavaCPP Presets.

The Spinnaker SDK is FLIR's next generation GenICam3 API library built for machine vision developers. It is compatible with Oryx, Blackfly S, and all USB3 Vision camera models.


Java API documentation is available here:

Sample Usage

Here is a simple example of Spinnaker C API code ported to Java from the Acquisition_C.cpp example distributed with Spinnaker SDK.

We can use Maven 3 to download and install automatically all the class files as well as the native binaries. To run this sample code, after creating the pom.xml and source files below, simply execute on the command line:

 $ mvn compile exec:java

The pom.xml build file


The source file

// Copyright © 2018 FLIR Integrated Imaging Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// This software is the confidential and proprietary information of FLIR
// Integrated Imaging Solutions, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
// shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use it only in
// accordance with the terms of the license agreement you entered into
// with FLIR Integrated Imaging Solutions, Inc. (FLIR).


import org.bytedeco.javacpp.*;
import org.bytedeco.spinnaker.Spinnaker_C.*;
import static*;

 * Example how to enumerate cameras, start acquisition, and grab images.
 * <p>
 * Please see Enumeration_C example for more in-depth comments on preparing and cleaning up the system.
public class Acquisition_C {
    private final static int MAX_BUFF_LEN = 256;

    private static String findErrorNameByValue(int value) {
        for (spinError v : spinError.values()) {
            if (v.value == value) {
        return "???";

    private static String findImageStatusNameByValue(int value) {
        for (spinImageStatus v : spinImageStatus.values()) {
            if (v.value == value) {
        return "???";

     * Check if 'err' is 'SPINNAKER_ERR_SUCCESS'.
     * If it is do nothing otherwise print error description and exit.
     * @param err     error value.
     * @param message additional message to print.

    private static void exitOnError(spinError err, String message) {
        if (printOnError(err, message)) {

     * Check if 'err' is 'SPINNAKER_ERR_SUCCESS'.
     * If it is do nothing otherwise print error information.
     * @param err     error value.
     * @param message additional message to print.
     * @return 'false' if err is not SPINNAKER_ERR_SUCCESS, or 'true' for any other 'err' value.
    private static boolean printOnError(spinError err, String message) {
        if (err.value != spinError.SPINNAKER_ERR_SUCCESS.value) {
            System.out.println("Error " + err.value + " " + findErrorNameByValue(err.value) + "\n");
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

     * This function helps to check if a node is available and readable
    private static boolean isAvailableAndReadable(spinNodeHandle hNode, String nodeName) {
        BytePointer pbAvailable = new BytePointer(1);
        spinError err;
        err = spinNodeIsAvailable(hNode, pbAvailable);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node availability (" + nodeName + " node)");

        BytePointer pbReadable = new BytePointer(1);
        err = spinNodeIsReadable(hNode, pbReadable);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node readability (" + nodeName + " node)");
        return pbReadable.getBool() && pbAvailable.getBool();

     * This function helps to check if a node is available and writable
    private static boolean isAvailableAndWritable(spinNodeHandle hNode, String nodeName) {
        BytePointer pbAvailable = new BytePointer(1);
        spinError err;
        err = spinNodeIsAvailable(hNode, pbAvailable);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node availability (" + nodeName + " node).");

        BytePointer pbWritable = new BytePointer(1);
        err = spinNodeIsWritable(hNode, pbWritable);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node writability (" + nodeName + " node).");
        return pbWritable.getBool() && pbAvailable.getBool();

     * This function handles the error prints when a node or entry is unavailable or
     * not readable/writable on the connected camera
    private static void printRetrieveNodeFailure(String node, String name) {
        System.out.println("Unable to get " + node + " (" + name + " " + node + " retrieval failed).\n");

     * This function prints the device information of the camera from the transport
     * layer; please see NodeMapInfo_C example for more in-depth comments on
     * printing device information from the nodemap.
    private static spinError printDeviceInfo(spinNodeMapHandle hNodeMap) {
        spinError err;
        System.out.println("\n*** DEVICE INFORMATION ***\n\n");
        // Retrieve device information category node
        spinNodeHandle hDeviceInformation = new spinNodeHandle();
        err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, new BytePointer("DeviceInformation"), hDeviceInformation);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node.");

        // Retrieve number of nodes within device information node
        SizeTPointer numFeatures = new SizeTPointer(1);
        if (isAvailableAndReadable(hDeviceInformation, "DeviceInformation")) {
            err = spinCategoryGetNumFeatures(hDeviceInformation, numFeatures);
            printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve number of nodes.");
        } else {
            printRetrieveNodeFailure("node", "DeviceInformation");
            return spinError.SPINNAKER_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;

        // Iterate through nodes and print information
        for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures.get(); i++) {
            spinNodeHandle hFeatureNode = new spinNodeHandle();
            err = spinCategoryGetFeatureByIndex(hDeviceInformation, i, hFeatureNode);
            printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node.");

            // get feature node name
            BytePointer featureName = new BytePointer(MAX_BUFF_LEN);
            SizeTPointer lenFeatureName = new SizeTPointer(1);
            err = spinNodeGetName(hFeatureNode, featureName, lenFeatureName);
            if (printOnError(err, "Error retrieving node name.")) {
                featureName.putString("Unknown name");

            int[] featureType = {spinNodeType.UnknownNode.value};
            if (isAvailableAndReadable(hFeatureNode, featureName.getString())) {
                err = spinNodeGetType(hFeatureNode, featureType);
                if (printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve node type.")) {
            } else {
                System.out.println(featureName + ": Node not readable");
            BytePointer featureValue = new BytePointer(MAX_BUFF_LEN);
            SizeTPointer lenFeatureValue = new SizeTPointer(1);
            err = spinNodeToString(hFeatureNode, featureValue, lenFeatureValue);
            if (printOnError(err, "spinNodeToString")) {
                featureValue.putString("Unknown value");
            System.out.println(featureName.getString().trim() + ": " + featureValue.getString().trim() + ".");
        return err;

    // This function acquires and saves 10 images from a device.
    private static spinError acquireImages(spinCamera hCam, spinNodeMapHandle hNodeMap, spinNodeMapHandle hNodeMapTLDevice) {
        System.out.println("\n*** IMAGE ACQUISITION ***\n");
        spinError err;
        // Set acquisition mode to continuous
        // *** NOTES ***
        // Because the example acquires and saves 10 images, setting acquisition
        // mode to continuous lets the example finish. If set to single frame
        // or multiframe (at a lower number of images), the example would just
        // hang. This would happen because the example has been written to acquire
        // 10 images while the camera would have been programmed to retrieve
        // less than that.
        // Setting the value of an enumeration node is slightly more complicated
        // than other node types, and especially so in C. It can roughly be broken
        // down into four steps: first, the enumeration node is retrieved from the
        // nodemap; second, the entry node is retrieved from the enumeration node;
        // third, an integer is retrieved from the entry node; and finally, the
        // integer is set as the new value of the enumeration node.
        // It is important to note that there are two sets of functions that might
        // produce erroneous results if they were to be mixed up. The first two
        // functions, spinEnumerationSetIntValue() and
        // spinEnumerationEntryGetIntValue(), use the integer values stored on each
        // individual cameras. The second two, spinEnumerationSetEnumValue() and
        // spinEnumerationEntryGetEnumValue(), use enum values defined in the
        // Spinnaker library. The int and enum values will most likely be
        // different from another.

        // Retrieve enumeration node from nodemap
        spinNodeHandle hAcquisitionMode = new spinNodeHandle(); //NULL
        err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMap, new BytePointer("AcquisitionMode"), hAcquisitionMode);
        if (printOnError(err, "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (node retrieval).")) {
            return err;

        // Retrieve entry node from enumeration node
        spinNodeHandle hAcquisitionModeContinuous = new spinNodeHandle(); // NULL
        if (isAvailableAndReadable(hAcquisitionMode, "AcquisitionMode")) {
            err = spinEnumerationGetEntryByName(hAcquisitionMode, new BytePointer("Continuous"), hAcquisitionModeContinuous);
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (entry 'continuous' retrieval).")) {
                return err;
        } else {
            printRetrieveNodeFailure("entry", "AcquisitionMode");
            return spinError.SPINNAKER_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;

        // Retrieve integer from entry node
        LongPointer acquisitionModeContinuous = new LongPointer(1);
        if (isAvailableAndReadable(hAcquisitionModeContinuous, "AcquisitionModeContinuous")) {
            err = spinEnumerationEntryGetIntValue(hAcquisitionModeContinuous, acquisitionModeContinuous);

            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (entry int value retrieval).")) {
                return err;
        } else {
            printRetrieveNodeFailure("entry", "AcquisitionMode 'Continuous'");
            return spinError.SPINNAKER_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;

        // Set integer as new value of enumeration node
        if (isAvailableAndWritable(hAcquisitionMode, "AcquisitionMode")) {
            err = spinEnumerationSetIntValue(hAcquisitionMode, acquisitionModeContinuous.get());
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to set acquisition mode to continuous (entry int value setting).")) {
                return err;
        } else {
            printRetrieveNodeFailure("entry", "AcquisitionMode");
            return spinError.SPINNAKER_ERR_ACCESS_DENIED;

        System.out.println("Acquisition mode set to continuous...");

        // Begin acquiring images
        // *** NOTES ***
        // What happens when the camera begins acquiring images depends on the
        // acquisition mode. Single frame captures only a single image, multi
        // frame catures a set number of images, and continuous captures a
        // continuous stream of images. Because the example calls for the retrieval
        // of 10 images, continuous mode has been set.
        // *** LATER ***
        // Image acquisition must be ended when no more images are needed.
        err = spinCameraBeginAcquisition(hCam);
        if (printOnError(err, "Unable to begin image acquisition.")) {
            return err;

        System.out.println("Acquiring images...");

        // Retrieve device serial number for filename
        // *** NOTES ***
        // The device serial number is retrieved in order to keep cameras from
        // overwriting one another. Grabbing image IDs could also accomplish this.
        spinNodeHandle hDeviceSerialNumber = new spinNodeHandle(); // NULL;
        BytePointer deviceSerialNumber = new BytePointer(MAX_BUFF_LEN);
        SizeTPointer lenDeviceSerialNumber = new SizeTPointer(1);
        err = spinNodeMapGetNode(hNodeMapTLDevice, new BytePointer("DeviceSerialNumber"), hDeviceSerialNumber);
        if (printOnError(err, "")) {
        } else {
            if (isAvailableAndReadable(hDeviceSerialNumber, "DeviceSerialNumber")) {
                err = spinStringGetValue(hDeviceSerialNumber, deviceSerialNumber, lenDeviceSerialNumber);
                if (printOnError(err, "")) {
            } else {
                printRetrieveNodeFailure("node", "DeviceSerialNumber");
            System.out.println("Device serial number retrieved as " + deviceSerialNumber.getString().trim() + "...");

        // Retrieve, convert, and save images
        final int k_numImages = 10;
        for (int imageCnt = 0; imageCnt < k_numImages; imageCnt++) {
            // Retrieve next received image
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Capturing an image houses images on the camera buffer. Trying to
            // capture an image that does not exist will hang the camera.
            // *** LATER ***
            // Once an image from the buffer is saved and/or no longer needed, the
            // image must be released in orer to keep the buffer from filling up.
            spinImage hResultImage = new spinImage(); //NULL;
            err = spinCameraGetNextImage(hCam, hResultImage);
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to get next image. Non-fatal error.")) {
            // Ensure image completion
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Images can easily be checked for completion. This should be done
            // whenever a complete image is expected or required. Further, check
            // image status for a little more insight into why an image is
            // incomplete.
            BytePointer isIncomplete = new BytePointer(1);
            boolean hasFailed = false;
            err = spinImageIsIncomplete(hResultImage, isIncomplete);
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to determine image completion. Non-fatal error.")) {
                hasFailed = true;
            // Check image for completion
            if (isIncomplete.getBool()) {
                IntPointer imageStatus = new IntPointer(1); //_spinImageStatus.IMAGE_NO_ERROR;
                err = spinImageGetStatus(hResultImage, imageStatus);
                if (!printOnError(err,
                        "Unable to retrieve image status. Non-fatal error. " + findImageStatusNameByValue(imageStatus.get()))) {
                            "Image incomplete with image status " + findImageStatusNameByValue(imageStatus.get()) +
                hasFailed = true;
            // Release incomplete or failed image
            if (hasFailed) {
                err = spinImageRelease(hResultImage);
                printOnError(err, "Unable to release image. Non-fatal error.");
            // Print image information; height and width recorded in pixels
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Images have quite a bit of available metadata including things such
            // as CRC, image status, and offset values, to name a few.
            System.out.println("Grabbed image " + imageCnt);

            // Retrieve image width
            SizeTPointer width = new SizeTPointer(1);
            err = spinImageGetWidth(hResultImage, width);
            if (printOnError(err, "spinImageGetWidth()")) {
                System.out.println("width  = unknown");
            } else {
                System.out.println("width  = " + width.get());

            // Retrieve image height
            SizeTPointer height = new SizeTPointer(1);
            err = spinImageGetHeight(hResultImage, height);
            if (printOnError(err, "spinImageGetHeight()")) {
                System.out.println("height = unknown");
            } else {
                System.out.println("height = " + height.get());

            // Convert image to mono 8
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Images not gotten from a camera directly must be created and
            // destroyed. This includes any image copies, conversions, or
            // otherwise. Basically, if the image was gotten, it should be
            // released, if it was created, it needs to be destroyed.
            // Images can be converted between pixel formats by using the
            // appropriate enumeration value. Unlike the original image, the
            // converted one does not need to be released as it does not affect the
            // camera buffer.
            // Optionally, the color processing algorithm can also be set using
            // the alternate spinImageConvertEx() function.
            // *** LATER ***
            // The converted image was created, so it must be destroyed to avoid
            // memory leaks.
            spinImage hConvertedImage = new spinImage(); //NULL;
            err = spinImageCreateEmpty(hConvertedImage);
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to create image. Non-fatal error.")) {
                hasFailed = true;

            spinImageProcessor hImageProcessor = new spinImageProcessor(); // NULL;
            err = spinImageProcessorCreate(hImageProcessor);
            if (printOnError(err, "Unable to create image processor. Non-fatal error.")) {
                hasFailed = true;

            err = spinImageProcessorConvert(hImageProcessor, hResultImage, hConvertedImage, spinPixelFormatEnums.PixelFormat_Mono8);
            if (printOnError(err, "\"Unable to convert image. Non-fatal error.")) {
                hasFailed = true;

            if (!hasFailed) {
                // Create a unique filename
                String filename = lenDeviceSerialNumber.get() == 0
                        ? ("Acquisition-C-" + imageCnt + ".jpg")
                        : ("Acquisition-C-" + deviceSerialNumber.getString().trim() + "-" + imageCnt + ".jpg");

                // Save image
                // *** NOTES ***
                // The standard practice of the examples is to use device serial
                // numbers to keep images of one device from overwriting those of
                // another.
                err = spinImageSave(hConvertedImage, new BytePointer(filename), spinImageFileFormat.SPINNAKER_IMAGE_FILE_FORMAT_JPEG);
                if (!printOnError(err, "Unable to save image. Non-fatal error.")) {
                    System.out.println("Image saved at " + filename + "\n");

            // Destroy converted image
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Images that are created must be destroyed in order to avoid memory
            // leaks.
            err = spinImageDestroy(hConvertedImage);
            printOnError(err, "Unable to destroy image. Non-fatal error.");
            // Release image from camera
            // *** NOTES ***
            // Images retrieved directly from the camera (i.e. non-converted
            // images) need to be released in order to keep from filling the
            // buffer.
            err = spinImageRelease(hResultImage);
            printOnError(err, "Unable to release image. Non-fatal error.");
        // End acquisition
        // *** NOTES ***
        // Ending acquisition appropriately helps ensure that devices clean up
        // properly and do not need to be power-cycled to maintain integrity.
        err = spinCameraEndAcquisition(hCam);
        printOnError(err, "Unable to end acquisition.");
        return err;

     * This function acts as the body of the example; please see NodeMapInfo_C
     * example for more in-depth comments on setting up cameras.
    private static spinError runSingleCamera(spinCamera hCam) {
        spinError err;
        // Retrieve TL device nodemap and print device information
        spinNodeMapHandle hNodeMapTLDevice = new spinNodeMapHandle();
        err = spinCameraGetTLDeviceNodeMap(hCam, hNodeMapTLDevice);
        if (!printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve TL device nodemap .")) {
            err = printDeviceInfo(hNodeMapTLDevice);

        // Initialize camera
        err = spinCameraInit(hCam);
        if (printOnError(err, "Unable to initialize camera.")) {
            return err;

        // Retrieve GenICam nodemap
        spinNodeMapHandle hNodeMap = new spinNodeMapHandle();
        err = spinCameraGetNodeMap(hCam, hNodeMap);
        if (printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve GenICam nodemap.")) {
            return err;

        // Acquire images
        err = acquireImages(hCam, hNodeMap, hNodeMapTLDevice);
        if (printOnError(err, "acquireImages")) {
            return err;

        // Deinitialize camera
        err = spinCameraDeInit(hCam);
        if (printOnError(err, "Unable to deinitialize camera.")) {
            return err;
        return err;

     * Example entry point; please see Enumeration_C example for more in-depth
     * comments on preparing and cleaning up the system.
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        spinError err;

        // Since this application saves images in the current folder
        // we must ensure that we have permission to write to this folder.
        // If we do not have permission, fail right away.
        if (!new File(".").canWrite()) {
            System.out.println("Failed to create file in current folder.  Please check permissions.");

        // Retrieve singleton reference to system object
        spinSystem hSystem = new spinSystem();
        err = spinSystemGetInstance(hSystem);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve system instance.");

        // Retrieve list of cameras from the system
        spinCameraList hCameraList = new spinCameraList();
        err = spinCameraListCreateEmpty(hCameraList);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to create camera list.");

        err = spinSystemGetCameras(hSystem, hCameraList);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve camera list.");

        // Retrieve number of cameras
        SizeTPointer numCameras = new SizeTPointer(1);
        err = spinCameraListGetSize(hCameraList, numCameras);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve number of cameras.");
        System.out.println("Number of cameras detected: " + numCameras.get() + "\n");
        // Finish if there are no cameras
        if (numCameras.get() == 0) {
            // Clear and destroy camera list before releasing system
            err = spinCameraListClear(hCameraList);
            exitOnError(err, "Unable to clear camera list.");

            err = spinCameraListDestroy(hCameraList);
            exitOnError(err, "Unable to destroy camera list.");

            // Release system
            err = spinSystemReleaseInstance(hSystem);
            exitOnError(err, "Unable to release system instance.");

            System.out.println("Not enough cameras!");

        // Run example on each camera
        for (int i = 0; i < numCameras.get(); i++) {
            System.out.println("\nRunning example for camera " + i + "...");
            // Select camera
            spinCamera hCamera = new spinCamera();
            err = spinCameraListGet(hCameraList, i, hCamera);
            if (!printOnError(err, "Unable to retrieve camera from list.")) {
                // Run example
                err = runSingleCamera(hCamera);
                printOnError(err, "RunSingleCamera");
            // Release camera
            err = spinCameraRelease(hCamera);
            printOnError(err, "Error releasing camera.");
            System.out.println("Camera " + i + " example complete...\n");
        // Clear and destroy camera list before releasing system
        err = spinCameraListClear(hCameraList);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to clear camera list.");

        err = spinCameraListDestroy(hCameraList);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to destroy camera list.");

        // Release system
        err = spinSystemReleaseInstance(hSystem);
        exitOnError(err, "Unable to release system instance.");

Additional examples of using the Spinnaker wrapper

You can find demo illustrating use of the presets in the JavaCV Examples project under Spinnaker-demo.