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Bytebeam Flutter Sdk

SDK for communicating with the bytebeam cloud from a flutter app. See example app for usage instructions.


  • void initializeNativeCode() Must be called when the application boots up.

BytebeamSdk class

This class has the following methods:

  • static Future<BytebeamSdk> parse({required String creds}) Parse and validate a credentials string you receive when provisioning a device on our platform.

  • Future<AvailableUpdate?> fetchAvailableUpdate() Fetch current update. Returns null if no update is available.

  • Future<Uint8List> downloadFirmware({required String url}) Takes the url of an update returned from fetchAvailableUpdate and securely downloads it.

  • Future<void> uploadMessage({required String stream, required Map<String, dynamic> fields}) Upload a message to a stream. When responding to actions, you need to send a message to the action_status stream with fields (action_id, state, progress, and errors (optional))

All of these methods throw a string in case of error.