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Bianca van Schaik edited this page Jun 30, 2024 · 14 revisions

Julius provides a number of configuration settings that can fix bugs present in Caesar 3 and change the user interface a bit. You can access the configuration through the "Options" button, on the main menu screen with the "Load saved game" and "Start new career" buttons.

Display options

Display scale

This slider controls the 'zoom' of the display, which acts the same as the scale options provided in Windows. For example, if you are playing on a 1920x1080 monitor but you find things too small, you can increase the scale to 150% to play at the equivalent of 1280x720, or to 200% which is the equivalent of 960x540. This option can also be used to fix tiny graphics caused by 4k displays. The maximum zoom is limited by the size of the current window: Julius requires a minimum resolution of 640x480.

Cursor scale

Similar to display scale: this slider controls how big the mouse cursor appears on the screen. Setting it to 200% will double the size of the cursor. This option can be used to fix the wrong cursor size caused by 4k displays.

User interface changes

Play intro videos

Checking this option will play the three intro videos when the game starts.

Extra information in the control panel

Checking this option will show extra information in the Control Panel (sidebar) when you are in the city. Depending on your resolution, this will show:

  • Game speed controls
  • Unemployment info
  • Rating info

Enable smooth scrolling

Checking this option will scroll the city map in a smoother way: it will scroll by pixel instead of by full tile.

Disable right click to drag the map

One of the features Julius adds is the ability to drag the map by right-clicking it and then dragging the mouse. If that's causing problems with the mouse cursor disappearing (in combination with for example the Steam Overlay or other utility programs), you can turn it off.

Improve visual feedback when clearing land

Checking this option will highlight buildings in red when hovering over them when the "clear land" tool is selected.

Allow building each temple in succession

Checking this option will add an "All" option to the build menu of small and large temples. Using this will allow you to place the temples to the gods in order without having to re-select the temple from the build menu. Placement order is the following: Ceres, Neptune, Mercury, Mars, Venus.

Show range when building reservoirs, fountains and wells

Checking this option will allow you to preview the range of reservoirs, fountains and wells when building them:

Show draggable construction size

Checking this option will display the size when building draggable items, such as roads and houses, allowing you to easily measure the amount of items you want to place:

Highlight legion on cursor hover

Checking this option will highlight a legion in green when it is hovered by the mouse, allowing you to easily understand which legion will be selected in the midst of battle.

In the below image, the mouse cursor is hovering above the legion in the middle:

Enable military sidebar

Checking this option will replace the regular build control panel / sidebar with a military command panel when you select a legion, allowing you to change the formation layout and give other orders without having to right-click the legion to do so.

Gameplay changes

Fix immigration bug on very hard

In Caesar 3, if you play on Very Hard difficulty level, people will get upset with you by default when your population is at least 200. However, any conditions in your city that might improve their happiness, such as no unemployment, high wages, etc, will not have any effect until your population reaches 300. This means that people will leave your city and you'll never reach 300. This can be overcome by ensuring there is a large number of immigrants on the way to bump you from 200 to over 300 population.

When you check this option, people will not get unhappy until your population reaches 300.

Fix 100-year-old ghosts

In Caesar 3, when people reach 100 in the census, they are removed from the total population, but still occupy a slot in one of the houses. When you are building eternal cities that last for hundreds of years, these so-called "ghosts" accumulate until your city no longer functions. The only way to prevent ghosts is to prevent people from reaching 100 years old by keeping city health poor.

Checking this option fixes this such that no new ghosts will be created.

Fix Emperor change and survival time in custom missions

This option has been removed in 1.6.0.

In Caesar 3 custom missions, the Change of Emperor event does not do anything other than triggering a message, even though the manual states that favor should be reset to 50. For survival time missions, the survival time only works properly when no other win criteria have been set. If there are any other win criteria, the player wins the mission when they are met, instead of having to play until the end of the survival time.

Checking this option will reset favor to 50 on Change of Emperor events, and will force the player to play until the survival time when win criteria have been met.

Language packs

If you have another language version of the game, you can add it to Julius and easily switch between languages within the game.

To add a language pack:

  1. Create a new folder inside your Caesar 3 installation with the name of the language. It doesn't really matter how you name it, as long as it only contains Latin letters (a-z)
  2. Add the localized files to this folder: the .eng files, and optionally create a wavs subfolder for the sound files, and a smk subfolder for the video files
  3. Start the game, go to Options and select your language folder. To reset it back to your default language, select "(default)"
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