R. Burke Squires
NIAID Bioinformatics & Computational Biosciences Branch (BCBB)
In this hands-on demonstration, we will utilize the Anaconda python distribution, Jupyter notebook, and python scientific stack to build a reproducible, bioinformatics workflow from scratch. From installation to automation, we will utilize the power of the Jupyter notebook and IPython kernel to seamlessly join a variety of existing components into a fully automated workflow that can be run with a single command. In this hands-on demonstration, we will utilize shell commands, popular bioinformatics applications, the Anaconda installer (conda), and the python programming language and scientific stack to assemble a workflow.
Prerequisites: none
If you'd like to follow along by webinar, you should have access to a computer with a Linux shell:
- Mac and Linux computers come with this installed
- Windows users may install git-bash, part of git for windows
- A recent installation of the Anaconda python distribution for python 3.6