- [ ] test CORS
- [ ] test DumpRoutes
- [ ] test ctrl+c
- [ ] test registerLogger
- [ ] test isReady
- [ ] test tlsempty / string
- [ ] test tls.NewListener ?
- [X] test runner
- [ ] test example ?
- [X] ci file
- [X] new makefile
- [X] allow prefixing
- [ ] based on zero logs perhaps ?
- [ ] must have syslog support
- [X] Headers
- [X] Middelware
- [X] logging
- [X] secu
- [X] CORS
- [X] test multiple listning address
- [X] url params
- [X] query param
- [X] routes prefix
- [X] pjson
- [X] register custom context
- [X] use custom
- [X] json validation
- [x] swagger compat
- [X] group route per prefix (v1 - v2 …)
- [X] clean that CI
- [-] cleaner doc
- [X] up to date example
- [ ] in code comment and example when needed
- [-] full readme [1/4] [25%]
- [ ] miss http error handling
- [X] schema / validate
- [ ] workerConfig
- [ ] pjson
- [X] `pjson` -> `pretty`
- [X] no linter error
- [X] ILog
- [ ] Code Coverage [0/6] [0%]
- [ ] cleaner test
- [ ] context
- [ ] server
- [ ] route
- [ ] middleware
- [ ] error handler
- [X] CI
- [X] timeout should be parametrable
- [X] schema annotation / validate annotation
- [X] server should return custom error so worker launcher can ignore it
- [ ] preload content ?
- [X] implement pattern
- [X] implement error class
- [ ] propagate change
- [X] base interface
- [X] interface implement
- [X] redo context extensions
- [X] propagate IContext
- [X] generate id per request
- [X] save it in go ctx
- [X] pass it to ctx obj
- done
Made with by the community
- [ ] cobra cmd
- [ ] json ready
- [ ] db interface ?
- [X] allow adding of extra prefix to logger (context ID) ?
- [ ] display time + status code
- changelog
- readme
- code comments / godoc
- example ?
- [X] support for redoc
- [X] wrap doc handlers
- [ ] update doc
- [X] up to date example
- [X] in code comment and example when needed
- [X] full readme [4/4] [100%]
- [X] miss http error handling
- [X] schema / validate
- [X] workerConfig
- [X] pretty
- log can became internal ..? just an interface
- testing could be on my own git
- same for pretty ?
- [X] handler and middlewares
- [X] fully compilent integrations
- [X] it’s been extranlized :)
- [X] what for webfmwk’s middlewares