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Remote Logging

A simple demo of remote logging using the Bunyan logger.

First, fetch dependencies.

# mix deps.get

Open three terminals in this directory.

In the first, issue the following command:

$ iex --name global@ -S mix run

(You will get 4 warnings when the demo.ex module compiles. That's because it deliberately contains code that will cause runtime errors.)

In the second terminal, run

$ iex --name regional@ -S mix run

And finally, in the third

$ iex --name local@ -S mix run

The node names are important, as they help the demo configure the logger.

OK, Now What

Go the the terminal that's running the local node, and keep the other two windows visible.

In the local iex session, run

iex> require Bunyan
iex> import  Bunyan
iex> debug  "a debug message in local"
iex> info   "and then an info message", answer: 42, helpful: false
iex> warn   "don't panic"
iex> error  fn -> System.user_home end, args: System.argv

and watch the log messages appear.

Do the same in the other sessions.

What You Just Configured

We now have three applications running, each on its own node.

  • The local node is configured to write its log messages to the console, and also to forward messages at the info level or greater to the regional node. Here's its configuration:

    config :bunyan,
          read_from: [
          write_to: [
                runtime_log_level: :info,
                send_to:           :regional_logger,
  • The regional node also writes its log messages to the console. It is also configured to received messages from local, so it will log these as well. Finally, the regional node forwards all :warn and :error messages to the global node.

    config :bunyan,
           read_from: [
                   global_name: :regional_logger,
           write_to: [
                 runtime_log_level: :warn,
                 send_to:           :global_logger,
                 send_to_nodes: [
  • The global node reports all its messages to the console, and logs :error level messages to the file ./error.log.

    config :bunyan,
           read_from: [
             { Bunyan.Source.RemoteReader, global_name: :global_logger }
           write_to: [
             { Bunyan.Writer.Device, name: :console_logger },
                   name:     :error_log_writer,
                   path:     "./error.log",
                   pid_file: "./",

diagram showing the three nodes and the messages displayed and saved on each

And Then...

While the three nodes are running, start another global node. You'll need to call it global1 (or anything else starting "global").

$ iex --name global1@ -S mix run

Back in the local node, generate some log messages: you should see them appear in both global nodes.

The Regional and Global Loggers Seem to Lag...

Good eye! When you use a remote logger, Bunyan attempts to reduce network overhead by batching log messages. What you're seeing is the default 200ms batching timeout. You can adjust both this timeout and the maximum batch size in the configuration.

Next Steps...

  • To see how this is configured, have a look at local.exs, regional.exs, and global.exs in the config/ directory.

  • To use the Bunyan logger in your application, have a look at the documentation.

  • Bunyan is designed to be extended using plugins. You can add new sources of log messages (it comes with sources that p rovide a programmatic API, and interface to the Erlang error logger, and a source that recieves remote log messages). It also comes with writers that write to devices (files and the console) and to other logger nodes).

    It's easy to add your own sources and writers: see the documentation.

    TODO: missing link


Simple demo of three-level logging






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