- Fork this repo
- Create a feature branch with a nice name (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Write your code!
- Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)- In an ideal world we have atomic commits and use Tim Pope-style commit messages, but so long as it's clear what's happening in your PR, that's fine. We try to not be super persnickety about these things.
- Push to your branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create a pull request for your branch. Make sure that your PR has a nice description, and that it's linked to any relevant issues.
Our objective is to have no PR wait more than a week for some sort of interaction from us -- this might be a review, or it might be a "I'm going to come back to this and review it a bit later". This isn't a guarantee though, and sometimes other work might get in the way of reviewing opensource contributions. If we're really dragging our feet on reviewing a PR, please feel free to ping us through GitHub or Slack, or get in touch with support@buildkite.com, and they can bug us to get things done :)