This serves as a library of helpful books, sites, code samples, notebooks, blog posts, and many other resources for people to read through if they're interested in learning more about quant finance.
These resources are vetted by BU Alpha, a quant research team developed within the BU Finance and Investment Club.
Within each of the directories is a
file, which has links to books, sites, blog posts, and other links. Lecture notes, papers, code and notebooks are all stored in the repository in their respective formats, i.e. .py
, .ipynb
, .pdf
and other types of file extensions.
If you want to experiment with some of the concepts mentioned within the papers, we suggest writing some Python code. We've written about how to setup a development environment below, using Anaconda; a package manager for Python and Python distribution that allows you to create separate virtual environments for various development tasks.
Installing Anaconda:
- Install Anaconda
- After installing Anaconda, open up your terminal or command prompt and type
conda create --name pydata35 python=3.5 anaconda
; this will create a conda environment and you will be able to use different mathematical & statistical libraries - Then, in your terminal, run
source activate pydata35
- Done!
The steps above are for a very simple setup with the most fundamental scientific computing libraries such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and IPython. You should be able to follow all of the steps for Linux, Windows, and macOS.
If you want a deeper understanding of how these libraries work and why they're important to the PyData community, check out Scott Sanderson's PyData Toolbox talk.
So now that you've installed Anaconda and have Python on your machine, you can start writing some code. Say you want to describe some stock data using measures of centrality (means) or measures of dispersion (variance). First we'll need a way to get some stock data. To make this easier, you can install pandas-datareader, by running:
pip install pandas-datareader
You should now have that installed. You can check that this is true by running:
pip freeze
Which will output all existing Python packages in your conda environment to your terminal.
After doing so, you can open up an IPython REPL and run the following code:
# import the libraries we'll need
# pandas_datareader uses pandas under the hood
In [1]: import pandas_datareader as pdr
In [2]: import datetime
# set a start and end date you want for your data
In [3]: start = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
In [4]: end = datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1)
# request stock pricing data about Netflix from Yahoo Finance
In [5]: data = pdr.DataReader('NFLX', 'yahoo', start, end)
In [5]: data.describe()
Open High Low Close Adj Close \
count 1762.000000 1762.000000 1762.000000 1762.000000 1762.000000
mean 48.994822 49.818289 48.170577 49.022988 49.022988
std 35.372219 35.913746 34.812488 35.380533 35.380533
min 6.960000 7.178571 6.931428 7.018571 7.018571
25% 16.883215 17.274286 16.451429 16.916429 16.916429
50% 37.448570 38.154286 36.959286 37.647855 37.647855
75% 68.640715 69.236071 67.815716 68.449283 68.449283
max 131.190002 133.270004 126.389999 130.929993 130.929993
count 1.762000e+03
mean 2.738449e+07
std 2.393028e+07
min 1.616300e+06
25% 1.347185e+07
50% 2.116330e+07
75% 3.294988e+07
max 3.155418e+08
And once we have that data
variable, we can go ahead and do all sorts of analysis on it. You can also save that data as a csv
file by running:
In [6]: data.to_csv('NFLX_data.csv')
You can also do this in an IPython Notebook, which is recommended if you want to more in-depth analysis.
Here is the current directory structure as of August 28th, 2017:
├── code-and-notebooks
│ └── generating-correlation-matrices.ipynb
├── computer-science
│ ├── MathForCS.pdf
│ ├──
│ └── machine-learning
│ └──
├── finance
│ ├──
│ └── algo-trading
│ ├── 101FormulaicAlphas.pdf
│ ├── BuildingDiversifiedPortfolios-OutperformOOS.pdf
│ ├── DrawdownWhenToWorry.pdf
│ ├── HierarchicalRiskParity.pdf
│ ├── MIT18S096-FactorModels.pdf
│ ├── MeasuringFactorExposures-AQR-WhitePaper.pdf
│ └──
├── math
│ ├──
│ ├── linear-algebra
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── RandomMatrixTheory.pdf
│ └── optimization
│ ├── CVXPortfolio.pdf
│ └──
└── statistics
├── StupidMining.pdf
└── bayesian
├── BayesianComputationInFinance.pdf
└── ThinkBayes.pdf
10 directories, 23 files
If you find a typo, bug in any code, or have any questions, feel free to open an issue on our GitHub issue tracker.
If you want to add some resource to the repository, feel free to open a pull request and fill out the template. We ask that any papers you submit please be in PDF format, and any lecture notes also include a link to a video lecture that accompanies the notes.