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How to use BTCPayServer.Hwi

First, you need to reference the nuget package in your project.

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Hwi;
using BTCPayServer.Hwi.Deployment;
using NBitcoin;

namespace BTCPayServer.Vault
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            // This line will download hwi program in the process current directory
            await HwiVersions.v1_1_2.Current.EnsureIsDeployed();

            var hwiClient = new HwiClient(Network.Main);

            // Enumerate the harware wallets on this computer
            // If your device is not detected and you are on linux,
            // make sure that you properly applied udev rules.
            // These are necessary for the devices to be reachable on Linux environments.
            // See
            var device = (await hwiClient.EnumerateDevicesAsync()).First();

            // Ask the device to display the segwit address on the BIP32 path "84'/0'/0'/0/0"
            await device.DisplayAddressAsync(ScriptPubKeyType.Segwit, new KeyPath("84'/0'/0'/0/0"));

You can find some other example on how to use this library in BTCPayServer.Vault.Tests/HwiTests.cs.


This project is under MIT License.

Special thanks

Special thanks to Wasabi Wallet, this code is based on their work, and as well to the bitcoin developers and achow101 for the HWI Project.