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autobw is a simple library for automatically performing a backwards pass, given only a forwards pass, in Torch. A major advantage of this is that the neural network's structure need not be fixed before runtime. This allows for easy implementation of structures such as recurrent networks. See the example below.

Backpropagation is often described as a method for propagating gradients through a computational graph. One way to implement it for graphs is to explicitly construct a graph given by the user, then evaluate the computational nodes in the order specified in the forward pass, then again but in reverse for the backward pass.


luarocks install


A method that's closer to how one may reason about a neural network is to explicitly write down a forward pass while recording the statements as they are being executed, then execute the statements' derivative computations (aka adjoint) in reverse. This is equivalent to specifying a computation graph, but more explicit, and allows the user to use control-flow such as for loops and conditionals.

This is similar to the approach taken by implementations of reverse-mode automatic differentiation, see e.g.


A simple example of computing linear(x1) + x2 * sigmoid(x3), but randomly replacing sigmoid(x3) with x3 sometimes:

lin = nn.Linear(5,5)
add = nn.CAddTable()
mul = nn.CMulTable()
sigm = nn.Sigmoid()

tape = autobw.Tape()

-------------- START OF FORWARD PASS --------------
-- records the sequence of operations
coin_flip = torch.rand(1)[1]
val1 = lin:forward(x1)

if coin_flip > 0.5 then
  maybe_sigmoid = sigm:forward(x3)
  maybe_sigmoid = x3

result = add:forward{val1, mul:forward{x2, maybe_sigmoid}}
-------------- END OF FORWARD PASS --------------

-- Play it back in reverse:

-- Now, the gradients are in the four nn.Module objects as usual.

Note: I don't actually use the gradients at all here, and I don't set them to zero first, just to keep the example simple. See also our nngraph practical for the equivalent in nngraph.

RNN Example

See the examples folder for a fully functional rnn example with toy data.

LSTM example

The LSTM example can easily be shortened by using this. We delete the backward pass, and simply play it back from the recorded forward pass:

-- setup autodiff
tape = Tape() -- TODO: local

-- do fwd/bwd and return loss, grad_params
function feval(x)
    if x ~= params then
    ------------------ get minibatch -------------------
    local x, y = loader:next_batch()

    ------------------- forward pass -------------------
    tape:begin() -----------------
    local embeddings = {}            -- input embeddings
    local lstm_c = {[0]=initstate_c} -- internal cell states of LSTM
    local lstm_h = {[0]=initstate_h} -- output values of LSTM
    local predictions = {}           -- softmax outputs
    local loss = 0

    for t=1,opt.seq_length do
        embeddings[t] = clones.embed[t]:forward(x[{{}, t}])

        -- we're feeding the *correct* things in here, alternatively
        -- we could sample from the previous timestep and embed that, but that's
        -- more commonly done for LSTM encoder-decoder models
        lstm_c[t], lstm_h[t] = unpack(clones.lstm[t]:forward{embeddings[t], lstm_c[t-1], lstm_h[t-1]})

        predictions[t] = clones.softmax[t]:forward(lstm_h[t])
        loss = loss + clones.criterion[t]:forward(predictions[t], y[{{}, t}])
    tape:stop() -----------------

    ------------------ backward pass -------------------

    ------------------------ misc ----------------------
    -- transfer final state to initial state (BPTT)

    -- clip gradient element-wise
    grad_params:clamp(-5, 5)

    return loss, grad_params