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71 lines (61 loc) · 3.62 KB

File metadata and controls

71 lines (61 loc) · 3.62 KB


  • correct bug with back, i.e. add transition back && invalid, update back, to back && valid

  • will have to workr in another branch...

  • in the new branch have tests with prmutation generated and check only the last output when output is expected and no output when no output expcted. i.e. partial oracle

  • explain in README the bugs

  • in README write down text version of requirements !! the graph is not enough. That will help introduce the skip and back bugs

  • tell how hard it is to write UI bugs - this is an edge case which could have gone unnoticed (at the same time it is minor bugs?) That shows in any case why the model have to be tested. This is a model bug, not am implementation bug

  • continue program in app

    • write fsm first in separate branch without hierarchy
    • make that work, merge that into master
    • in other branch from master, refine into hierarchies as defined in #features
    • make it work
    • merge new branch into master


sooo. keep the same state machine design. REFINE every state.

  • Fetch state : fetch ok -> next, fetch error -> display error and retry 5 times with exponential xxx s, then fail definitely with an error screen, also inside the fetch
  • About screen : save ok -> good, save fails -> ignore, so no need to refine, just send the save : optimistic save
  • etc except Teams screen : block transition till save is ok! if not ok stay in same state and display error : pessimistic save
  • same for Review screen : DO NOT transition till save is OK!

so we have exemplified : retry logic, cancellation logic (NO), optimistic save, blocking save In the pending state : display a loader

involve geraud henrion in designing my debug tool


  • write model : state machine but no need for the function implementation, or guard implementation
  • generate inputs
  • generate the output for those inputs according to model
  • run implementation

! TRY when adding children to the store, reorder them according to probabilities, defined in the configuration files

  • probability are markov-like. For each state, distribute 100% between all transitions

  • allow to slice off some branches by assigning zero prob

  • allow to change test orientation by changing the probabilities without touching anything else

    • main case, edge case : 80, 20 in first test iteration
    • main case, edge case : 20, 80 in second test iteration
  • TRY add option to stop the generation after X sequences computed

  • TRY add callback for each result computed. The callback could interrupt the enumeration by throwing??

  • TRY add the edge sequence to the control state sequence

  • I have to generate an {event_label : event_data}

  • OR pick a probability distribution to pick a (event_label, guard) to produce {event_label : event_data}

  • so each state has a probably distribution between events, and then between guards (or between event-guard gathered together?? mmm NO)

  • DOC some guards depend only on event data : gen will compute event without using extS

  • DOC some guards depend only on extS : gen will determine from extS if an input can be generated . DOC If so, it will generate that input from extS and possibly event data

  • DOC some guards depend on both : mix of the two previous case : determine first if input can be generated, then generate it


  • edge case : events for which no transition is to be taken should be modelized with a self-transition. This is what we did that for error flows.
  • Also events which are not allowed in a state but are in the user interface should be represented on the graph. Then events accepted by the state machine and not in the user interface?? simnulate it too for testing purposes?? NO