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Proposal for constructor expr

Graydon Hoare edited this page Jan 6, 2012 · 4 revisions

Constructor expressions

The aim of this proposal is to make the DPS optimization more transparent to end users and simultaneously eliminate implicit copies of (potentially) mutable state. The gist of it is that when aggregate types (most notably records) are used as values they cannot be assigned to by any arbitrary expression but rather by a limited subset of expressions known as constructor expression. A constructor expression is one which constructs a new value. The compiler will compile an assignment to an aggregate value type from a constructor expression by first allocating the space for the aggregate value type and passing a pointer to that space to the constructor expression, so that the resulting value is written directly into the appropriate space with no copies. This is the same as DPS-optimized code today.

A secondary goal is to permit Rust functions to (usually) follow the more traditional ABI where return values are returned in a register rather than adding an out param. It is believed that this will be more efficient in the long run, but this assertion has been challenged and deserves measurement.

Distinguish constructor expressions

Whether an expression is a constructor expression or not is not purely a grammatical question, it requires some semantic judgement. Here is the set of potential constructor expressions:

CE = { ... }                 (Record literals)
   | [ ... ]                 (Array literals)
   | 0, 0u, 'a', 1.2         (Numeric/character literals)
   | "..."                   (Strings)
   | ( ... )                 (Tuples)
   | x(...)                  (Function call with new return type)
   | copy(E)                 (Copy of some other expression E)
   | move x                  (Move of some local variable x)

Constructor expressions fall into three primary categories: literals, (certain) function calls, and copies/moves, each discussed in its own section below.


Literal expressions are fairly straightforward: they are generating a new value and this value can be written into the appropriate destination.

Function calls with new return type

Not all functions can serve as a constructor expression. The constructor's return type must make use of the new keyword:

fn foo(...) -> new T { 
    ret CE;

Semantically, the new keyword signals that the function returns a freshly constructed or copied value. The caller of the function is able to specify where that value will be stored. Functions with new return type must themselves return a constructor expression.

At a lower level, the new keyword signals that the function, when compiled, uses a different ABI. The result is not returned in a register but rather via an implicit parameter. Generally this parameter is pointer to the destination but it could also be an allocator function; more details on the ABI question are in the Proposal for fixed length arrays.

Copies and moves

As a sort of escape hatch, the copy and move keywords can be used to convert any expression into a constructor expression. The keyword copy(expr) evaluates the expression expr and then performs a deep copy according to the following rules:

  • Copying a scalar like int just returns the scalar.
  • Copying an aggregate value type T recursively copies the contents of T.
  • Copying an @T type increments the ref count and returns the same pointer.
  • Copying a unique type ~T creates a box on the exchange heap and copies the contents of T into that box.
  • Copying a reference &T simply copies the pointer.
  • Copying a resource is illegal.

The move x expression is similar in some ways to a copy followed by a nullification of the local variable x. The primary difference is for unique types and resources:

  • Moving a unique type simply copies the pointer and performs no recursive copies.
  • Similarly, moving a resource is legal.

The details are in the Proposal for unique types.

Interaction with generics

The user can never be sure that generic types are not bound to value types. Therefore, uses of variables of generic type generally require explicit copy or move annotations; however, the last use optimization described by Marijn means that a variable which is only used once is implicitly moved.


fn identity<T>(t: T) -> T { ret t; } // ok because implicitly ret move t;

fn apply<S,T>(s: S, blk: block(S) -> new T) -> new T { 
    ret blk(s); // implicitly: ret blk(move s); 

fn apply_twice<copy S,T>(s: S, blk: block(S) -> new T) -> new (T,T) {
   ret (blk(copy(s)), blk(s)); // Note: first use of `s` requires a copy

Possible changes

The new keyword is not strictly needed. One could say that all functions which return an aggregate or generic type make use of an out-param. In that case, the distinction between new functions is less transparent to the user and is more the concern of the runtime. The rest of the proposal works precisely the same.

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