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[V4.0] User Manual: Administration

Craig Riecke edited this page Aug 3, 2014 · 14 revisions

Setting up Restricted Sections

A restricted section is a section that only some users can see. Public users (ones that have not logged in) will not see this section in any menu items. And if they try to get to it through a direct URL or a bookmark, they'll be given an error message.

  1. Create usernames, as in ___ above, for everyone allowed to access this restricted section
  2. Create a group, as in ___ above. We'll call ours "Gold Members". Put all the usernames in the group.
  3. Create a section in the Pages Site Map, as described in ____. We'll call ours "Gold Member Only Section".
  4. Click the Edit button on the section. The editing screen for sections looks like the one you use to add a section. SCREEN SHOT.
  5. Click OFF the checkbox next to the Guest group.
  6. Click ON the checkbox next to your new group Gold Members.

It’s a common task to want to restrict specific users from being able to see certain pages. This might include creating a ‘members’ section, where only registered and approved users can see the content. BrowserCMS allows editors/admins to restrict user access based on sections. Individual pages get their security from their immediate parent. For example, if there is a section called ‘Member Only’, which a ‘Guest’ cannot see, all pages in that section will be block, and guests (unregistered users) that try to access those URLs will be sent to the ‘Access Denied’ page.

Creating the groups

The first step to secure a section is to set up the groups who are allowed to see it. An administrator can create a new group by clicking the ‘Administration’ tab, then selecting the ‘Groups’ item from the left menu. Click the ‘Add Group’ button, give the group a name (‘Members’), and choose ‘Registered Public User’ as the group type. By default, this group will able to view all sections within the site. After saving the group, you can alter which sections a user can see, by clicking the name of the group. In this case, the new ‘Member’ group’s permissions are fine.

Adding users

The next step is to create a user in the ‘Member’ group. On the ‘Administration’ tab, click the ‘Users’ menu item on the left menu, and click ‘Add User’ on the toolbar. Fill in the basic user information (name, username, email and password) and check the newly added ‘Members’ group (but no others)

Restricting the sections

The next step is to add the new section, which will be restricted so that only users who are in the ‘Member’ group can see them. Go to the sitemap, select the ‘My Site’ (which is the root of the site) and click ‘Add Section’. Name the section ‘Members Only’, and then uncheck all public permissions except for ‘Member’. Next add a page to this section and publish it.

Now, when users who aren’t logged in (Guests) try to visit any pages in the ‘Members Only’ section, they will be redirected to the Accessed Denied page.

Setting up Workflow

When the number of contributors to a website grows, it may be necessary to restrict who has rights to publish content. This would allow for multiple editors to contribute and edit content, but content would be passed to one or more `publishers’ in order to commit the changes publicly. Workflow in BrowserCMS has several concepts which make it work: * Rights – Who can edit and who can publish? * Tasking – Who the work is assigned to? * Notification – How do people know they have new content to look at.

This section covers how to create a simple workflow, that covers two kinds of groups of people. * Contributors: These people should be able to edit pages and content, but should not be able to publish them. * Publishers: These people should be able to edit pages/content, and can publish them.

Basic Contributor and Editor workflow

The first step is to create two new groups, both of which should be of type CMS User’. One should be called ‘Contributor’, and should only have the Edit Content’ permission. The second group should be called Publisher’, and should have Edit Content’ and `Publish Content’ permissions. Next create two users, and assign one of them to each group.

The user in the Contributor group, will be able to make changes to pages and blocks, but will not be able to publish it themselves. When they are done with a page, on the ‘Edit Page’ view, they can use the ‘Assign’ button to pass the page to somebody who has publishing rights. Assigning a page provides a drop down with all users who have ‘Edit Content’ permissions. The contributor can choose the assign to the ‘Publisher’, give it a due date and a comment, and then assign the page. This will notify the ‘Publisher’ via email they have a new task assigned to them, along with the URL to the page.

The ‘Publisher’ can then log in, find the page they want to review, make sure the changes are acceptable, then publish the page. Once they are down with their task, they can click the ‘Complete Task’ button to close the task out. In addition, editors and publishers can always find what open tasks they have by going to the ‘My Dashboard’.

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