The Shen equation of state (EOS) tables of nuclear matter at finite temperature and density with various electron fractions within the relativistic mean field (RMF) theory are a set of three dimensional data arrays enabling high precision interpolation of 19 relevant parameters required for neutron star simulations. While these tables are currently relatively small in size (about 300 MB), it is expected that over the next year a new set of tables ensuring higher resolution will be published. The size of the new tables is expected to be in the range of several GB. This will prevent loading the whole data set into main memory on each locality. In conventional, MPI based applications the full tables would have to be either loaded into each MPI process or a distributed partitioning scheme would have to be implemented. Both options are either not viable or difficult to implement.
We created an HPX component encapsulating the non-overlapping partitioning and distribution of the Shen EOS tables to all available localities, thus reducing the required memory footprint per locality. A special client side object ensures the transparent dispatching of interpolation requests to the appropriate partition corresponding to the locality holding the required part of the tables. The client side object exposes a simple API for easy programmability.
This code is based on the work of Christian Ott and O'Connor, authors of the original ShenEOS tables. You can get the original code here::
svn checkout --username anon --password anon svn://
- --file : std::string : sheneos_220r_180t_50y_extT_analmu_20100322_SVNr28.h5
- The HDF5 data file containing the ShenEOS tables.
- --num-ye-points -Y : std::size_t : 20
- The number of points to interpolate on the ye axis.
- --num-temp-points -T : std::size_t: 20
- The number of points to interpolate on the temp axis.
- --num-rho-points -R : std::size_t : 20
- The number of points to interpolate on the rho axis.
- --num-partitions : std::size_t : 32
- The number of partitions to create.
- --num-workers : std::size_t : 1
- The number of worker/measurement threads to create per locality.
- --seed : std::size_t : 0
- The seed for the pseudo random number generator (if 0, a seed is choosen based on the current system time).
The input file must be a set of ShenEOS tables in the HDF5 (.h5) format.
sheneos_test --file my_shen_table.h5 --num-partitions 2