A collection of libraries useful for analyses in particle therapy research. Generally Matplotlib, Numpy, ROOT, clitktools and rtk are used as a dependency, as most monte carlo simulated particle treatments are produced with Geant4/Gate which output .root files.
Files in the root are executable scripts, subdirectories are libraries and could be copied into your own projects or your $PYTHONPATH
Why is this project not neatly separated and split over multiple task-specific repos? Because I am lazy, that's why. And also because just one rsync
command is required to update all my tools on the clusters I use.
Clone, and put the directory in your path (export <CLONE_DIR>:$PATH
). You can get access to the libraries in any script by adding export PYTHONPATH=<CLONE_DIR>:$PYTHONPATH
to your bashrc, or by putting this atop your scripts:
import sys
Now, an incomplete list over the modules with a brief description:
This lean 'n mean library parses radio therapy plan as outputted by CLITK (which in turn accepts any particle therapy plan in the Dicom format). At the moment, this library can be used to inform the user about the number of fields, the energy layers (or steps) per field, the fluence per energy step, and eventually some useful information on the spot level.
Its main use is to gain insight in the energy/fluence/time structure of the rtplan, and make is quickly comparable to the output of a monte carlo or measurements of the same quantities, so that the deviation from the plan may be qualified or quantified.
Provides a way to operate on images as outputted by Gate (and CLITK tools). Slicing, projections, mathematical operations, stuff like that.
Converts simple geometries in macrofiles to voxellized images.
A set of function that ease life with Matplotlib. The Texify-function make them look good, and the tle.py functions provides many ways to compare data (depends on image). An older and unused and unmaintained rootplot component is kept around for the braindead.
For the enlightened, dump.py gives some functionality to extract information out of .root-files in the fastest way possible. Depends on PyRoot.
Alignment of the beams/fields with detectors, or projecting segmented data under an angle on a common axis.