Highlight colors within Neovim
- Realtime color highlighting
- Supports hex, rgb, hsl, CSS variables, and Tailwind CSS
- LSP support! For any LSP that supports
like tailwindcss - Multiple rendering modes: background, foreground, and virtual text
Install via your preferred package manager:
Initialize the plugin:
-- Ensure termguicolors is enabled if not already
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
require("nvim-highlight-colors").setup {
---Render style
---@usage 'background'|'foreground'|'virtual'
render = 'background',
---Set virtual symbol (requires render to be set to 'virtual')
virtual_symbol = '■',
---Set virtual symbol suffix (defaults to '')
virtual_symbol_prefix = '',
---Set virtual symbol suffix (defaults to ' ')
virtual_symbol_suffix = ' ',
---Set virtual symbol position()
---@usage 'inline'|'eol'|'eow'
---inline mimics VS Code style
---eol stands for `end of column` - Recommended to set `virtual_symbol_suffix = ''` when used.
---eow stands for `end of word` - Recommended to set `virtual_symbol_prefix = ' ' and virtual_symbol_suffix = ''` when used.
virtual_symbol_position = 'inline',
---Highlight hex colors, e.g. '#FFFFFF'
enable_hex = true,
---Highlight rgb colors, e.g. 'rgb(0 0 0)'
enable_rgb = true,
---Highlight hsl colors, e.g. 'hsl(150deg 30% 40%)'
enable_hsl = true,
---Highlight CSS variables, e.g. 'var(--testing-color)'
enable_var_usage = true,
---Highlight named colors, e.g. 'green'
enable_named_colors = true,
---Highlight tailwind colors, e.g. 'bg-blue-500'
enable_tailwind = false,
---Set custom colors
---Label must be properly escaped with '%' to adhere to `string.gmatch`
--- :help string.gmatch
custom_colors = {
{ label = '%-%-theme%-primary%-color', color = '#0f1219' },
{ label = '%-%-theme%-secondary%-color', color = '#5a5d64' },
Examples shown use
enable_tailwind = true
Virtual text
Command | Description |
:HighlightColors On |
Turn highlights on |
:HighlightColors Off |
Turn highlights off |
:HighlightColors Toggle |
Toggle highlights |
Commands are also available in lua: