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😷 A minimal high order function for building user interfaces


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virtual dom it sucks

Makes me sick how cool is virtual dom :s



Scroll down to see how to use vomit with functions, streams and others.

var vomit = require('vomit');
var arr = ['foo', 'bar', 'beep'];

vomit('ul', {
  return vomit('li', name);

<<<<<<< HEAD Vomit is in currently in development, if you want to contribute or have any questions feel free to open issues.

Vomit is currently in development, if you want to contribute or have any questions feel free to open issues.


create element

Vomit can quickly create a DOM element as following:

var btn = vomit('button');

inner text

Vomit can add text as a node child:

var btn = vomit('button', 'hello');

children elements

Vomit can add arrays as a node children:

var btn = vomit('button', [
  vomit('span', 'world')

DOM morphing

What would be virtual dom without morphing? Morphing is a fancy word to apply a diff patch on a DOM element in order to keep its state. Basically, it updates DOM elements for you this way you don't have to care about it.

var list = vomit(function(data) {
  return vomit('ul', {
    return vomit('li', name);

// both lines return the same DOM element with an updated content
list(['beep', 'boop']);

Vomit can swallow functions and regurgitate them in order to create reusable components. What's nasty about it is that it updates your DOM everytime you call that function! At the opposite of some librairies out there such as React, vomit is using real DOM for diffing and patching.

element attributes

Vomit can set strings, arrays, boolean or functions as attributes.

var radio = vomit('input', {
  id: 'radio',
  class: ['hello', 'world'],
  style: {
    top: 200 + 'px'
  type: function() {
    return true ? 'radio' : 'checkbox';


Composition is at the core of vomit. As seen above, you can compose text and DOM node(s). But vomit doesn't stop there and allows you to create disgusting concoction of functions and/or streams. Berk!


Functions are JavaScript first class objects. Would be bummer to not add a function as a vomit element isn't?

vomit('span', function() {
  return puke ? 'hamburger' : 'salad';

A vomit function can return text, DOM elements, arrays and more (see below).


If you are trying to build applications with I/O bound (such as XHR, WebSockets, WebRTC, etc) wouldn't it be great if you could easily interface with all these things? Vomit favorite's junk food is streams. With streams, vomit allows you to incrementally build DOM nodes as soon as data is available. Imagine an Ajax streams that fetches some data on a third server and returns a title:

vomit('h1', ajax);

This example is silly! Let's do something worth your time...what about an ajax stream that fetches a list of junk food:

var stream = ajax()
  .pipe(vomit(function(data) {
    return {
      return vomit('li', name);

vomit('article', [
  'Vomit list:',
  vomit('ul', stream),

You've seen earlier that vomit can accept functions as argument to perform DOM morphing. It's actually better than that, it returns a transform stream that you can pipe and reuse.


😷 A minimal high order function for building user interfaces








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