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example network

A network created with siliconnn for classifying the Iris dataset.



The ref_impl and siliconnn directories also contain their own READMEs with more specific technical details:


Siliconnn is a small yet surprisingly featureful neural network implementation, written in pure ARM64 (AArch64) assembly for Apple Silicon. Included in this repository is the arm64 assembly source as well as the C reference implementation (which I also wrote from scratch, specifically for this project) that the assembly code was based upon.

To be clear, siliconnn does not depend on its C reference implementation, nor does it depend on any C standard library functionsish; no malloc, no atoi, no printf. Everything that is needed is implemented from scratch in assembly.

Both folders have their own READMEs containing some more specific technical details about their implementations, as well as Makefiles; running make in each will generate three demos (the demos behave identically between the reference implementation and siliconnn). See here for details on and example outputs for each demo.

Nowhere will you see me say this project has any practical use cases; it's purely for educational/entertainment purposes :). Enjoy!


  • CSV parsing. You can load training data in through CSV files. There are some limitations; only numerical values are allowed, labels must be integers, and the label column must be first. But besides this, the CSV parser is pretty durable:

    • It correctly interprets missing/empty cells (,,) as 0
    • It can parse floats flexibly, so long as they are not in scientific notation. e.g. 10., -.002, 3, 3.14159 all parse correctly.
    • If there is a single syntax error in a cell, it parses as much of the number it can and skips forward to the next cell.
    • If there are more cells in a row than expected, the extraneous cells are skipped.
    • Positive and negative labels are also supported.
  • Feature normalization. This is such an important step for most ML tasks, it's included as a feature here. Once data is loaded via CSV, features can be normalized, which adjusts all attributes to have mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. This ensures no one particular attribute unfairly outweighs other attributes during training.

  • Shuffling. Shuffling is also quite a commonly-needed utility; you might want to shuffle your examples before train-test-split (e.g. the Iris dataset comes sorted by label, definitely not what we want), or shuffle your examples between epochs during training. Siliconnn can shuffle the examples in a dataset using Fisher-Yates on top of its own PRNG implementation.

  • Train-test-split. You put in one dataset, you get back two datasets which you can use as you please. Typically, you use one for training, and use the other for validating your model, i.e. checking how well it generalizes to unseen data.

    • The API here is inspired by Sklearn's train-test-split in that you can specify the ratio of test size to train size.
    • This is highly memory-efficient; there is no underlying duplication of the data. You can think of the two datasets you get back as two disjoint "views" of the same data.
  • Printing datasets. Just for debug purposes, prints out all the examples in a dataset with their labels in a CSV-esque format.

  • Feedforward neural networks with one hidden layer. This is the heart of the project.

    • Sigmoid activation on the hidden layer.
    • Layers are fully connected.
    • Single output neuron corresponding to prediction (no sigmoid applied, but there is a bias term)
    • Adjustable input and hidden layer size. Amount of space allocated for the network is dynamically computed depending on these settings.
  • Training with stochastic gradient descent. The batch size is not tunable as of now (always 1).

    • You can specify learning rate + number of epochs.
    • Logs helpful info (epoch number, average L2 loss) to the console after each epoch to aid in hyperparameter tuning.
  • Loss computation. Siliconnn can compute a network's mean squared error over a given dataset.

  • Saving/loading models. Want to pretrain a model, dump it to a file, and recover the model somewhere else without having to retrain it? Siliconnn can do that. It also serves as a way for you to pause training after some number of epochs and resume it without starting over from scratch.

  • Legibility. The assembly source is readable (well, about as readable as assembly can get). It is written letter-for-letter by hand, with zero help from compilers, and I personally think it shows; every instruction has a logical and clear reason for being there (unlike gcc output, which takes a decent bit of effort to decipher), and there's generally more comments than code.

  • Resource management. Siliconnn dynamically allocates precisely as much memory as it needs to represent the network and datasets (no more and no less), deallocates whatever it allocates by providing destroy functions for everything, closes all of the files it opens, etc.

  • Error checking. System calls can fail for various reasons, and siliconnn exits gracefully on failure. I didn't have it print any error messages (since that would be extremely tedious without perror or printf), but it will return one of the following unique non-zero exit codes depending on the reason of the crash:

    code crash reason
    1 nn_init mmap failed
    2 nn_destroy munmap failed
    3 nn_save failed to open file for writing
    4 nn_load failed to open file for reading
    5 nn_load failed to get file size info (fstat)
    6 nn_load mmap failed
    7 nn_load munmap failed
    8 ds_destroy munmap failed
    9 ds_deep_destroy munmap failed
    10 ds_load mmap failed for data block
    11 ds_load failed to open file for reading
    12 ds_load failed to get file size info (fstat)
    13 ds_load failed to mmap the file
    14 ds_load mmap failed for examples block
    15 ds_load munmap failed for file
    16 ds_train_test_split mmap failed for test set
    17 ds_train_test_split mmap failed for train set


  • Portability. This has been tested on my M1 Macbook Pro, and I would assume it would work on any other Apple Silicon Mac, but I don't have access to an array of Apple devices to test this. And I am almost certain it won't run anywhere else. This is just the unfortunate reality of assembly.
  • Practicality. If you are using Siliconnn unironically, why?
  • Speed. This does not take advantage of GPU compute, or even SIMD (yet!). Thus it is almost assuredly slower than most NN implementations.
  • Flexibility. Neural networks with 1 hidden sigmoid layer and 1 output can do a decent job at quite a lot of tasks, but not all. I won't be implementing extra layers, or other activation functions, or other architectures (e.g. CNN, RNN) anytime soon, again because this is meant to be more of a teaching/learning experience than practically useful.


Siliconnn comes with three demos: demo1, demo2, and demo3. You can build each demo individually in either siliconnn or the reference implementation with make demo<n> (where n is the number of the demo to build), or you can build all of them with make all.


This demo demonstrates loading the UCI Wine dataset, normalizing features, splitting into training and testing sets, training on the train set for 100 epochs, and printing the average loss over the held-out test set.

Example output:
----------TRAIN SET-----------
0 | 1,0.08,-0.75,-0.97,-1.19,-0.12,0.16,0.61,-0.65,-0.38,-0.58,0.97,0.11,0.86
1 | 1,0.93,-0.72,1.21,0.00,2.26,1.04,0.71,1.11,-0.42,0.14,1.28,0.54,1.55
2 | 3,0.87,2.97,0.30,0.30,-0.33,-0.98,-1.42,1.27,-0.93,1.14,-1.39,-1.23,-0.02
3 | 3,-0.19,0.55,0.89,1.35,0.08,0.03,-1.43,1.35,-1.36,-0.05,-0.29,-0.65,-0.49
4 | 2,-1.49,-0.18,1.51,2.70,-0.54,-0.26,0.21,1.75,0.29,-0.89,0.05,-0.24,-0.89
5 | 2,-1.96,-1.43,0.48,0.45,-0.82,0.29,-0.01,0.46,-0.26,-0.85,0.62,-0.42,-0.99
6 | 3,0.20,0.22,0.01,0.15,1.42,-1.03,-1.35,1.35,-0.22,1.83,-1.56,-1.40,0.29
7 | 2,-0.71,0.19,-0.35,0.75,-0.68,-0.98,-0.19,2.40,-0.29,-1.02,-0.42,0.97,-1.37
8 | 1,1.50,-0.57,-0.24,-0.95,1.28,1.44,0.97,-0.82,0.76,0.57,-0.07,0.98,0.71
9 | 3,0.39,0.81,0.04,0.60,-0.54,-0.58,-1.27,0.71,-0.59,1.45,-1.78,-1.40,-0.30
10 | 1,0.19,0.02,1.10,-0.26,0.08,0.80,1.21,-0.49,2.13,0.26,0.31,0.78,1.39
11 | 2,1.06,-0.74,1.10,1.65,-0.96,1.04,0.83,-1.22,0.48,-0.72,1.76,0.77,-1.07
12 | 2,-0.87,-0.65,-0.57,0.27,0.22,-1.91,-1.01,0.06,-0.22,-0.86,-0.22,-1.11,0.39
13 | 2,-1.13,-1.08,0.52,1.35,-1.52,-0.47,-0.45,0.30,-0.33,-1.23,1.54,0.15,-0.37
14 | 2,-0.34,-0.47,-0.60,-0.20,-0.96,-0.15,0.50,-0.82,0.31,-0.50,0.88,0.74,-0.10
15 | 2,-1.13,-0.23,-2.43,-0.59,-0.19,-0.10,0.14,-0.82,-0.33,-0.76,1.37,0.49,-0.11
16 | 2,0.13,-1.19,-2.43,-1.34,-1.52,1.09,1.15,-0.82,1.20,0.10,0.71,0.80,-0.77
17 | 2,-1.03,-0.65,-0.20,0.99,-0.68,-0.82,-0.34,0.54,-0.05,-1.12,1.63,-0.49,-0.80
18 | 2,-0.77,-0.63,-0.24,1.50,-0.82,-0.12,0.42,0.30,0.54,-1.27,-0.29,0.23,-1.28
19 | 2,-1.13,-0.84,0.48,0.90,-1.10,0.42,0.26,0.54,-0.96,-0.93,-0.12,0.81,-1.15
20 | 1,2.25,-0.62,-0.71,-1.65,-0.19,0.80,0.95,-0.57,0.68,0.06,0.53,0.33,0.94
21 | 2,-1.65,-0.40,-1.63,-1.04,-0.19,-1.09,-0.46,-0.17,-0.77,-0.54,1.19,-0.66,-1.01
22 | 1,0.50,1.34,-0.90,-0.20,-0.68,0.24,0.65,-0.74,-0.19,-0.33,-0.20,0.54,0.91
23 | 2,-0.60,-0.54,-1.41,0.30,-1.03,-0.15,-0.10,-0.33,-0.19,-0.91,0.36,1.35,-0.23
24 | 2,-0.87,0.44,-0.53,-0.44,-0.82,0.24,0.22,-0.90,0.69,-1.25,0.84,0.97,-1.45
25 | 3,1.39,1.58,1.36,1.50,-0.26,-0.39,-1.27,1.59,-0.42,1.79,-1.52,-1.42,-0.59
26 | 2,0.60,-0.60,-0.46,1.35,-0.89,-0.66,-0.19,-0.74,-0.98,-0.57,0.09,0.23,-0.87
27 | 1,1.70,-0.41,0.04,-2.25,0.15,1.61,1.61,-0.57,2.39,1.05,1.06,0.54,2.54
28 | 2,-1.70,-0.31,-0.31,-0.44,-0.12,1.16,0.23,-1.54,-0.42,-0.78,0.88,0.49,-1.27
29 | 3,0.44,0.20,-0.06,0.15,-0.75,-1.43,-1.53,0.06,-1.66,0.23,-1.12,-0.20,0.10
30 | 3,0.71,0.21,1.18,1.50,0.36,-1.19,-1.19,0.22,-0.08,1.55,-0.95,-1.14,0.00
31 | 3,-0.22,0.92,-0.24,0.00,-0.82,-1.30,-1.37,0.30,-1.08,2.25,-1.04,-1.21,-0.19
32 | 3,0.09,1.40,-0.02,0.60,0.93,-1.41,-0.64,-0.17,-0.79,1.87,-1.69,-1.81,-0.62
33 | 2,-0.82,-1.20,-1.52,-1.40,2.54,-0.63,-0.17,-0.09,2.04,-0.71,0.44,-0.42,0.00
34 | 2,-0.01,-0.59,0.85,3.15,2.75,1.61,0.86,-1.22,0.64,-0.73,1.54,1.25,0.75
35 | 1,1.16,-0.54,-0.35,-0.62,0.57,0.93,1.51,-0.33,0.85,1.66,0.71,0.68,1.63
36 | 2,-0.28,0.98,-1.41,-1.04,-1.38,-1.06,-0.78,0.54,-1.33,-0.71,-1.12,-0.69,-1.19
37 | 3,-0.28,0.04,-0.31,0.00,-0.96,-1.45,-1.52,0.95,-1.66,2.09,-1.69,-1.38,-0.88
38 | 3,-0.51,-0.93,-0.97,0.15,0.22,-1.30,-1.45,1.35,-0.33,1.09,-1.65,-1.49,-0.34
39 | 2,-0.44,-0.87,-1.26,-0.80,0.01,-0.44,-0.62,1.35,-1.70,0.29,0.09,-1.44,-0.94
40 | 2,-0.34,-0.52,-0.31,0.90,-1.10,-1.46,-0.27,0.95,0.06,-0.76,-0.33,-0.27,-0.82
41 | 1,0.36,-0.55,-0.82,-0.74,-0.40,0.16,0.16,-0.74,-0.42,-0.47,0.27,0.22,1.71
42 | 1,1.06,-0.88,-0.35,-1.04,-0.12,1.09,1.12,-1.14,0.45,0.93,0.23,1.32,0.94
43 | 3,-0.14,0.58,0.12,0.15,0.29,-1.59,-0.81,-0.98,-1.33,0.14,-0.95,-1.68,-0.69
44 | 1,1.38,-0.76,-0.17,-0.80,-0.33,-0.15,0.40,-0.82,-0.03,-0.02,0.93,0.29,1.69
45 | 1,0.92,-0.54,0.15,-1.04,-0.75,0.48,0.73,-0.57,0.38,0.23,0.84,0.40,1.82
46 | 1,0.78,0.68,0.70,-1.28,1.14,0.64,1.00,-1.54,0.12,0.01,0.01,1.05,0.31
47 | 2,-0.87,-0.83,-1.41,-1.04,-1.03,0.40,0.47,-0.57,0.31,-0.93,1.19,0.18,-1.01
48 | 2,-0.59,0.08,-0.71,0.45,-0.82,0.40,0.24,-0.82,-0.64,-1.32,-0.25,0.23,-1.34
49 | 1,1.46,-0.66,0.41,-0.89,0.57,1.61,1.90,-0.33,0.47,1.57,1.19,0.29,2.97
50 | 2,-0.81,0.10,0.34,0.45,-0.12,0.42,0.08,-0.17,-0.49,-0.97,-0.69,1.08,-0.98
51 | 3,0.13,-0.39,1.40,1.80,1.14,-0.15,-0.75,-0.82,-0.05,0.88,-1.52,-1.81,-1.02
52 | 2,-1.91,0.05,0.19,0.15,-0.26,0.96,0.76,-0.33,0.41,-0.78,-0.69,1.09,-0.38
53 | 1,0.91,-0.59,-0.42,-0.92,1.28,0.48,0.87,-1.22,0.05,0.34,-0.16,0.83,0.99
54 | 2,0.82,-0.97,-1.63,-0.44,-0.40,-0.31,-0.24,-0.33,-1.50,-0.54,1.19,-0.21,-0.37
55 | 2,-0.38,-0.72,-0.38,0.36,-1.38,-1.46,-0.57,1.75,0.05,-0.86,0.01,-0.77,-0.80
56 | 2,-0.71,1.87,1.32,2.10,0.15,-0.15,0.10,0.54,0.20,-1.28,-0.16,0.71,-1.21
57 | 2,0.06,3.10,-0.86,0.60,-0.96,0.52,0.62,-0.49,0.73,-1.06,-0.99,0.68,-1.16
58 | 2,0.03,-1.28,-2.39,-1.04,-0.96,-0.55,0.00,-0.98,-0.22,-0.19,1.02,-0.18,-1.13
59 | 2,-0.49,-0.89,-1.70,-0.29,-0.82,-1.35,-0.67,-0.57,-0.42,-1.12,0.36,0.22,-0.58
60 | 2,-1.77,-0.25,3.15,2.70,1.35,1.41,3.06,0.87,0.48,0.40,-0.12,1.52,-0.89
61 | 3,-0.18,0.83,0.78,0.75,0.43,-1.03,-1.43,1.91,-1.10,0.22,-0.38,-0.70,-0.56
62 | 1,0.69,-0.54,0.34,0.30,1.14,1.06,0.75,-1.30,1.50,0.51,0.09,0.59,1.18
63 | 1,0.34,-0.62,1.73,-1.19,0.72,0.48,0.65,-0.17,-0.40,-0.19,0.58,0.23,0.42
64 | 3,-0.16,2.04,0.41,0.60,-0.96,-0.95,-1.38,0.87,-1.28,1.12,-1.83,-1.06,-0.38
65 | 3,0.61,0.70,0.92,1.35,1.63,-1.43,-0.46,-1.14,-0.59,1.53,-1.61,-1.85,-0.78
66 | 2,-1.68,-0.24,0.34,0.63,-1.10,-0.55,-0.34,0.95,-0.42,-0.97,0.18,0.19,-0.21
67 | 2,-0.92,-0.54,-0.90,-0.14,-1.38,-1.03,0.00,0.06,0.06,-0.71,0.18,0.78,-0.75
68 | 3,0.60,1.12,-0.64,0.00,-0.82,-1.08,-1.55,1.75,-1.24,0.27,-0.64,-1.11,-0.53
69 | 2,-0.40,-1.21,-0.46,-0.44,-0.05,-0.15,-0.08,-0.49,-0.22,-1.05,1.19,0.77,-0.94
70 | 3,0.33,1.74,-0.38,0.15,1.42,-1.12,-1.34,0.54,-0.42,2.22,-1.61,-1.48,0.28
71 | 3,-0.92,1.38,-0.60,-0.29,0.86,-1.46,-1.25,-0.57,-0.79,1.36,-1.34,-0.86,0.34
72 | 1,1.07,-0.39,1.58,-0.02,0.50,1.04,0.94,0.06,0.29,-0.24,1.28,1.11,0.53
73 | 3,-0.58,2.84,0.99,1.65,-0.26,-0.80,-1.43,2.16,-0.86,-0.02,-0.60,-1.30,-0.73
74 | 1,1.71,-0.41,0.30,-1.46,-0.26,0.32,0.49,-0.49,0.68,0.08,0.27,1.36,1.72
75 | 1,1.60,-0.37,1.29,0.15,1.42,0.80,1.11,-0.25,0.66,0.49,0.49,0.05,1.69
76 | 2,-1.43,-1.29,0.78,-0.44,-0.40,-0.15,0.18,-1.14,1.33,-0.86,-0.73,0.66,-0.72
77 | 2,-1.23,-1.27,-1.33,-0.14,-0.96,0.20,0.23,-0.49,-0.28,-1.10,1.85,0.71,-1.49
78 | 2,-1.28,-1.11,-0.24,0.45,0.08,1.73,0.11,-1.86,0.10,-0.79,0.14,0.73,0.44
79 | 1,0.87,-0.42,-0.02,-0.86,0.08,0.50,0.85,-0.74,0.17,-0.54,0.66,1.96,0.91
80 | 1,1.51,-0.56,0.23,-1.16,1.91,0.80,1.03,-0.65,1.22,0.25,0.36,1.84,1.01
81 | 1,1.30,-0.16,0.89,-0.56,1.49,0.48,0.48,-0.41,-0.59,-0.00,0.44,1.36,1.74
82 | 1,0.59,-0.47,0.15,0.30,0.01,0.64,0.95,-0.82,0.47,0.01,0.36,1.21,0.55
83 | 3,-0.23,-0.02,0.12,1.35,-0.12,-1.83,-0.94,-0.74,-1.33,0.27,-1.30,-1.76,-0.59
84 | 2,-0.87,0.74,-0.57,-0.44,-0.82,0.88,0.96,0.71,2.13,-1.19,2.02,0.30,-1.08
85 | 3,-0.98,0.62,-0.17,-0.14,-0.26,-1.67,-1.54,0.30,-1.50,0.19,-1.30,-1.10,-0.75
86 | 1,-0.08,1.31,1.03,-0.26,0.15,0.18,0.38,-0.90,0.68,-0.24,0.31,1.28,0.07
87 | 1,1.69,-0.34,0.48,-0.80,0.93,2.49,1.46,-0.98,1.03,1.18,-0.42,1.18,2.33
88 | 2,-1.90,1.26,-1.99,0.00,0.50,1.41,0.55,-0.98,3.48,-0.93,-0.91,0.28,-0.58
89 | 2,-1.53,0.30,2.02,0.15,0.22,-0.87,0.00,1.91,-0.94,-0.54,1.19,-0.15,-0.44
90 | 1,-0.18,-0.66,0.56,-0.50,-0.33,0.29,0.34,-0.82,-0.22,-0.48,0.58,1.43,0.85
91 | 1,1.30,-0.63,-0.31,-1.04,1.84,1.12,1.14,-0.98,0.89,0.25,0.58,1.55,0.10
92 | 3,1.03,1.60,0.04,0.00,-0.75,-0.79,-1.20,0.95,-0.05,1.70,-1.69,-1.37,-0.84
93 | 1,2.16,-0.54,0.08,-2.43,-0.61,1.28,1.66,0.54,2.13,0.14,1.28,0.16,1.28
94 | 1,0.95,-0.39,1.14,-0.71,1.07,1.12,0.76,0.22,0.15,0.53,0.75,0.44,2.00
95 | 3,-0.17,-0.88,-0.17,-0.44,1.56,-1.25,-0.78,-1.22,-1.14,-0.41,-0.86,-1.86,-0.37
96 | 2,-0.71,-0.65,-0.64,0.90,0.57,-0.47,0.06,-0.17,0.03,-1.29,0.44,0.49,-1.27
97 | 2,-1.13,-0.90,-0.24,1.23,-2.08,-0.15,-0.44,0.46,-0.36,-1.43,0.49,0.84,-0.38
98 | 1,0.77,-0.47,1.21,-0.68,0.86,0.88,0.88,-0.49,-0.22,0.96,1.41,0.37,1.79
99 | 2,-0.82,-1.10,-0.31,-1.04,0.08,-0.39,-0.94,2.16,-2.06,-0.77,1.28,-1.33,-0.21
100 | 2,-0.77,-1.25,-3.67,-2.67,-0.82,-0.50,-1.46,-0.65,-2.05,-1.34,0.40,-1.11,-0.72
101 | 2,-2.43,-0.74,-0.60,0.60,-1.03,0.26,0.14,1.27,0.73,-1.36,3.30,0.36,-1.08
102 | 1,0.29,0.22,1.84,0.45,1.28,0.80,0.66,0.22,0.40,-0.31,0.36,0.44,-0.03
103 | 1,0.06,-0.50,-0.97,-0.74,0.50,1.12,0.97,-0.65,0.76,-0.00,-0.33,1.04,0.43
104 | 3,-0.49,0.11,-0.60,-0.29,-0.40,-1.08,-1.37,2.16,-1.14,0.88,-0.99,-1.45,-0.16
105 | 2,-1.13,-0.45,-0.17,-0.29,-1.31,-1.11,-0.53,1.27,0.08,-1.14,0.53,-0.48,-0.84
106 | 3,-0.05,0.99,-0.06,-0.29,0.43,-1.45,-1.33,0.30,-1.14,0.09,-1.21,-1.21,-0.22
107 | 2,-0.77,-1.13,-0.97,-0.29,-0.82,1.96,1.72,-0.98,0.62,-0.24,0.36,0.22,-0.27
108 | 2,-0.37,1.37,0.12,1.05,0.08,0.85,0.52,0.54,0.62,-1.07,1.02,0.73,-0.90
109 | 1,0.88,-0.81,0.48,-0.83,0.57,1.77,1.64,-1.38,0.78,0.75,-0.29,0.36,1.71
110 | 2,-0.77,-1.08,-0.75,-0.14,-0.89,1.93,1.07,-1.38,0.48,-0.26,1.15,0.36,-1.04
111 | 1,0.29,1.47,-0.27,-0.59,0.22,0.55,0.60,-0.33,0.12,-0.30,-0.60,0.54,-0.21
112 | 3,0.90,1.81,-0.38,0.90,-0.82,-1.62,-1.56,1.27,-0.77,0.67,-0.77,-1.21,-0.72
113 | 2,-1.66,-0.59,0.92,1.95,-0.82,-0.60,-0.42,0.30,-0.43,-1.06,1.76,0.84,-0.58
114 | 1,1.02,-0.68,0.92,0.15,1.07,1.04,1.37,0.30,0.22,0.66,0.75,-0.05,1.22
115 | 1,1.08,-0.40,0.81,-1.34,0.08,1.53,1.53,-1.54,0.19,0.16,-0.33,1.33,1.10
116 | 3,1.08,2.42,-0.49,0.15,-1.38,-2.10,-1.69,0.30,-1.59,-0.06,-1.65,-1.81,-1.05
117 | 2,-1.71,-0.88,1.21,0.15,-0.40,0.71,0.89,-0.57,1.57,-1.04,0.01,0.91,-0.21
118 | 2,-1.39,1.77,0.08,0.45,-1.24,0.90,1.00,-1.22,2.31,-0.97,-0.91,1.45,-1.16
119 | 1,1.70,1.12,-0.31,-1.04,0.15,1.53,1.14,-0.74,1.04,-0.06,0.36,1.16,1.01
120 | 2,-1.23,-0.74,0.19,0.75,-0.96,-1.35,-0.78,1.11,0.06,-0.63,0.40,0.05,-0.94
121 | 1,1.35,-0.15,-0.24,-0.44,0.36,1.04,1.29,-1.14,1.38,0.29,1.28,0.78,2.43
122 | 3,0.76,2.34,-0.06,0.15,-0.54,-0.47,-1.23,0.87,-1.00,-0.28,-0.20,-0.79,-0.62
123 | 2,-1.23,0.98,-1.33,-0.14,-0.89,-0.47,-0.39,0.06,0.48,-1.63,-0.12,0.61,-0.58
124 | 1,1.49,1.52,0.26,-0.17,0.79,0.88,0.62,-0.49,-0.59,0.07,-0.38,1.01,1.06
125 | 3,0.85,0.82,0.63,0.15,0.50,-0.74,-1.47,1.11,-1.38,0.35,0.01,-1.11,-0.21
126 | 3,0.28,0.86,-0.31,-0.29,-0.12,-0.79,-1.20,1.99,0.48,2.36,-1.74,-1.55,-0.22
127 | 1,0.62,-0.48,1.03,-0.14,0.72,0.08,0.50,-0.57,-0.08,-0.37,0.62,0.36,1.10
128 | 3,-0.26,0.29,0.41,0.75,0.86,-1.30,-0.67,-0.98,-0.57,2.48,-2.09,-1.61,-0.84
129 | 2,0.41,-1.25,-0.02,-0.74,0.72,0.37,-0.73,1.51,-2.05,-0.81,0.27,-0.96,0.00
130 | 1,0.69,-0.56,-0.20,-0.98,1.21,1.36,1.26,-0.17,1.31,0.46,-0.03,1.08,0.15
131 | 3,0.49,1.41,0.41,1.05,0.15,-0.79,-1.28,0.54,-0.31,0.96,-1.12,-1.48,0.00
132 | 1,0.06,-0.25,3.11,1.65,1.70,0.53,0.65,0.87,0.57,-0.63,0.75,0.83,0.26
133 | 3,-0.08,0.42,1.21,0.45,-0.26,-1.20,-1.53,1.35,-1.47,-0.19,-0.82,-0.42,-0.46
134 | 2,-1.45,-0.55,-1.77,0.00,-0.96,0.32,-0.39,0.06,-0.29,-1.29,-0.07,-0.24,-1.05
135 | 1,0.35,-0.32,1.14,-0.80,0.15,1.12,1.20,-0.41,0.12,0.40,0.49,0.32,1.66
136 | 2,-1.14,-0.15,-0.71,0.45,-1.03,0.48,0.62,0.06,-0.42,-0.99,-0.42,0.94,-1.17
137 | 3,0.20,2.56,-0.17,0.75,-0.47,-0.88,-1.40,1.99,-0.07,1.22,-1.56,-1.59,-0.06
138 | 2,-1.47,-0.19,1.36,0.60,2.40,-1.11,-1.04,-1.78,-0.05,-1.10,-0.03,-0.49,-0.38
139 | 2,-1.43,0.49,-0.49,-0.44,0.86,-0.92,-0.71,0.54,-1.12,-1.04,0.01,-0.12,-0.78
140 | 2,-0.77,-1.04,-1.63,0.03,-1.52,-0.29,-0.02,-0.74,-0.96,-0.16,0.71,1.22,-0.75
141 | 2,-0.97,-1.02,-2.25,-0.80,3.59,-0.71,-0.75,-1.78,1.59,-0.95,1.41,0.64,-0.09
142 | 3,1.65,-0.58,1.21,1.65,-0.12,0.80,-0.72,1.35,1.94,3.43,-1.69,-0.92,-0.27

----------TEST SET-----------
0 | 1,0.90,-0.75,1.21,0.90,0.08,1.12,1.22,-0.57,1.38,0.27,1.02,0.13,1.71
1 | 1,1.48,-0.51,0.30,-1.28,0.86,1.56,1.36,-0.17,0.66,0.73,0.40,0.33,2.23
2 | 3,0.59,-0.59,0.99,0.90,-0.75,0.48,-0.93,1.27,1.22,2.89,-1.69,-1.17,-0.40
3 | 1,0.71,-0.60,-0.02,-0.11,0.43,0.90,1.16,-1.14,0.62,0.79,0.58,0.37,2.44
4 | 3,-0.37,1.08,-0.02,0.60,0.43,-0.95,-0.83,-1.54,-1.31,-0.02,-0.77,-1.86,-0.46
5 | 1,0.06,-0.54,-1.19,-2.13,-0.54,0.68,1.24,-1.54,2.31,0.92,0.71,0.42,1.28
6 | 3,0.64,0.74,1.29,1.20,-0.19,-1.19,-1.51,1.11,-1.82,-0.30,-0.29,-0.77,-0.72
7 | 1,0.83,-0.45,-0.02,-0.68,0.29,0.20,0.66,0.46,0.66,-0.52,1.19,0.36,0.77
8 | 1,0.48,-0.50,0.92,-1.01,-0.47,0.88,0.91,-0.17,-0.24,-0.11,-0.16,0.85,1.42
9 | 2,-1.02,-0.79,0.59,-0.14,0.29,-0.64,-0.28,0.71,-0.98,-0.91,2.16,-0.53,-1.24
10 | 2,-0.65,-0.73,-0.60,-0.14,4.37,0.32,0.24,-0.33,2.95,-1.06,0.88,0.02,0.60
11 | 3,-0.60,-0.98,-0.42,-0.59,-1.03,-0.47,-1.45,1.91,-0.59,0.16,-0.91,-1.55,-0.30
12 | 1,1.02,-0.61,0.85,-0.68,-0.40,0.24,0.96,-1.14,1.22,0.23,1.23,1.07,1.64
13 | 3,-0.92,2.13,0.63,0.45,-0.75,-1.46,-1.56,1.35,-1.38,-0.52,-0.91,-1.89,-0.08
14 | 2,-1.45,-0.77,-1.37,0.39,-0.96,-0.50,-0.43,-0.49,-0.10,-1.34,-0.03,1.01,-0.80
15 | 1,0.06,-0.61,0.67,-0.44,-0.12,0.24,0.40,-0.57,-0.26,-0.34,0.71,-0.14,1.14
16 | 1,1.50,1.48,0.52,-1.89,1.98,1.12,1.01,-1.30,0.85,0.01,-0.29,1.29,0.04
17 | 1,1.35,-0.28,0.12,-0.20,0.22,0.72,0.89,-0.33,1.38,0.49,0.49,0.19,0.99
18 | 1,1.01,-0.52,0.19,-1.65,0.79,2.53,1.71,-0.33,0.48,0.86,0.23,0.91,1.41
19 | 3,-0.68,0.62,0.99,2.25,-0.19,-0.63,-1.45,2.16,-0.79,1.05,-1.26,-1.24,0.42
20 | 2,0.06,1.36,-0.17,0.90,-1.03,-1.03,-0.44,1.99,0.05,-0.11,-0.51,-0.84,-0.73
21 | 3,0.49,2.03,1.80,1.65,0.86,-0.50,-1.07,-0.74,-0.84,1.48,-1.26,-0.97,-0.37
22 | 2,-0.70,-0.72,-0.27,0.60,-0.96,0.71,1.12,0.22,0.31,-0.48,-1.17,0.32,-1.25
23 | 3,1.43,0.15,0.41,0.15,-0.61,-0.98,-1.33,0.62,-0.61,2.00,-1.48,-1.27,-0.27
24 | 1,0.61,-0.47,0.89,0.15,-0.26,0.37,0.58,-0.65,0.12,-0.66,0.71,1.70,0.31
25 | 3,0.19,1.10,-0.79,0.45,0.15,-1.27,-1.48,0.54,-0.50,-0.45,-1.56,-1.31,0.26
26 | 2,-0.96,-0.93,-1.55,-0.14,-0.54,0.10,0.01,0.22,0.85,-1.02,-0.42,0.57,-1.38
27 | 1,1.25,-0.58,-0.57,-1.04,-0.26,0.56,0.30,-0.82,0.68,-0.15,0.36,1.38,0.91
28 | 3,0.96,0.38,-0.24,0.75,-0.68,-1.51,-1.35,0.38,-0.98,1.95,-1.12,-1.31,-0.42
29 | 2,-1.18,1.76,0.04,0.75,-1.38,-0.31,-0.28,0.46,-0.42,-1.06,-0.73,-0.05,-0.53
30 | 2,-0.77,-1.01,0.70,-0.41,-0.12,0.20,0.62,0.06,0.85,-0.19,1.02,-0.44,-0.21
31 | 3,0.55,1.22,0.85,1.05,0.79,-0.95,-1.11,0.54,-0.22,2.43,-0.47,-1.48,-0.16
32 | 1,1.11,-0.58,-0.90,-1.04,0.08,1.28,1.36,-1.22,0.96,0.45,-0.20,1.01,0.75
33 | 1,0.24,-0.49,-0.82,-2.49,0.01,0.56,0.73,-0.82,-0.54,-0.29,0.40,1.11,0.96
34 | 3,-0.79,1.34,0.04,0.45,-0.82,0.00,-1.11,1.11,-0.96,1.12,-1.74,-1.45,-0.72
Epoch 0 | Loss: 0.6600538267
Epoch 1 | Loss: 0.1525161900
Epoch 2 | Loss: 0.1095086574
Epoch 3 | Loss: 0.1030051339
Epoch 4 | Loss: 0.1337560730
Epoch 5 | Loss: 0.0877329843
Epoch 6 | Loss: 0.1099894077
Epoch 7 | Loss: 0.0865526057
Epoch 8 | Loss: 0.0874703253
Epoch 9 | Loss: 0.0858206748
Epoch 10 | Loss: 0.0743366060
Epoch 11 | Loss: 0.0780008211
Epoch 12 | Loss: 0.0710733905
Epoch 13 | Loss: 0.0695956667
Epoch 14 | Loss: 0.0691819318
Epoch 15 | Loss: 0.0701484004
Epoch 16 | Loss: 0.0645743156
Epoch 17 | Loss: 0.0624020507
Epoch 18 | Loss: 0.0593411527
Epoch 19 | Loss: 0.0630728737
Epoch 20 | Loss: 0.0588246534
Epoch 21 | Loss: 0.0545840522
Epoch 22 | Loss: 0.0533566515
Epoch 23 | Loss: 0.0625797091
Epoch 24 | Loss: 0.0755213861
Epoch 25 | Loss: 0.0513866896
Epoch 26 | Loss: 0.0520318599
Epoch 27 | Loss: 0.0487199715
Epoch 28 | Loss: 0.0581601352
Epoch 29 | Loss: 0.0601601177
Epoch 30 | Loss: 0.0442920328
Epoch 31 | Loss: 0.0446631996
Epoch 32 | Loss: 0.0434194118
Epoch 33 | Loss: 0.0673315983
Epoch 34 | Loss: 0.0429781050
Epoch 35 | Loss: 0.0408119872
Epoch 36 | Loss: 0.0444309006
Epoch 37 | Loss: 0.0508625323
Epoch 38 | Loss: 0.0384338657
Epoch 39 | Loss: 0.0408395066
Epoch 40 | Loss: 0.0385241386
Epoch 41 | Loss: 0.0402983140
Epoch 42 | Loss: 0.0372308498
Epoch 43 | Loss: 0.0354163857
Epoch 44 | Loss: 0.0345775173
Epoch 45 | Loss: 0.0344331835
Epoch 46 | Loss: 0.0340904672
Epoch 47 | Loss: 0.0392845680
Epoch 48 | Loss: 0.0560829857
Epoch 49 | Loss: 0.0322188890
Epoch 50 | Loss: 0.0319389238
Epoch 51 | Loss: 0.0452488330
Epoch 52 | Loss: 0.0359404964
Epoch 53 | Loss: 0.0384974602
Epoch 54 | Loss: 0.0348837812
Epoch 55 | Loss: 0.0299807238
Epoch 56 | Loss: 0.0307275922
Epoch 57 | Loss: 0.0301634260
Epoch 58 | Loss: 0.0305905310
Epoch 59 | Loss: 0.0290004548
Epoch 60 | Loss: 0.0296853790
Epoch 61 | Loss: 0.0284387653
Epoch 62 | Loss: 0.0325876831
Epoch 63 | Loss: 0.0287895493
Epoch 64 | Loss: 0.0268047827
Epoch 65 | Loss: 0.0314876761
Epoch 66 | Loss: 0.0268408082
Epoch 67 | Loss: 0.0272745941
Epoch 68 | Loss: 0.0257270667
Epoch 69 | Loss: 0.0256347806
Epoch 70 | Loss: 0.0264502052
Epoch 71 | Loss: 0.0249035875
Epoch 72 | Loss: 0.0288035110
Epoch 73 | Loss: 0.0248458794
Epoch 74 | Loss: 0.0241749120
Epoch 75 | Loss: 0.0242662324
Epoch 76 | Loss: 0.0235061780
Epoch 77 | Loss: 0.0251674554
Epoch 78 | Loss: 0.0238066355
Epoch 79 | Loss: 0.0269978150
Epoch 80 | Loss: 0.0258137652
Epoch 81 | Loss: 0.0230189329
Epoch 82 | Loss: 0.0248139020
Epoch 83 | Loss: 0.0230041734
Epoch 84 | Loss: 0.0223860572
Epoch 85 | Loss: 0.0216566691
Epoch 86 | Loss: 0.0345188248
Epoch 87 | Loss: 0.0214871192
Epoch 88 | Loss: 0.0269221761
Epoch 89 | Loss: 0.0211155271
Epoch 90 | Loss: 0.0220907526
Epoch 91 | Loss: 0.0209723552
Epoch 92 | Loss: 0.0201724226
Epoch 93 | Loss: 0.0202920587
Epoch 94 | Loss: 0.0212200000
Epoch 95 | Loss: 0.0196821084
Epoch 96 | Loss: 0.0194049432
Epoch 97 | Loss: 0.0195181882
Epoch 98 | Loss: 0.0327861722
Epoch 99 | Loss: 0.0192719702
Avg test loss: 0.0533738593


This demo loads the Iris dataset, trains a network on it for 25 epochs, and dumps the trained network to a file.

Example output:
Epoch 0 | Loss: 1.6004945877
Epoch 1 | Loss: 0.0931686257
Epoch 2 | Loss: 0.0545873305
Epoch 3 | Loss: 0.0668135236
Epoch 4 | Loss: 0.1112969564
Epoch 5 | Loss: 0.3379020180
Epoch 6 | Loss: 0.0439549523
Epoch 7 | Loss: 0.0388685917
Epoch 8 | Loss: 0.0635569788
Epoch 9 | Loss: 0.0828348869
Epoch 10 | Loss: 0.0820943264
Epoch 11 | Loss: 0.0795910859
Epoch 12 | Loss: 0.1993147314
Epoch 13 | Loss: 0.0393402223
Epoch 14 | Loss: 0.0358872263
Epoch 15 | Loss: 0.0388186547
Epoch 16 | Loss: 0.0349244460
Epoch 17 | Loss: 0.0502932192
Epoch 18 | Loss: 0.0463453639
Epoch 19 | Loss: 0.0530413016
Epoch 20 | Loss: 0.0336110164
Epoch 21 | Loss: 0.0333378566
Epoch 22 | Loss: 0.0406205655
Epoch 23 | Loss: 0.0429201775
Epoch 24 | Loss: 0.0338577588


This demo demonstrates loading the pretrained network from the file created by demo2 and using it to classify some unlabeled iris examples. The first example has true label 0, the second label has true label 1, and the third label has true label 2. Obviously, the network does not know this (we are asking it to predict these values); the important thing is that it outputs values somewhat close to the true values for each example.

Example output:

Pure assembly or not?

As stated previously, siliconnn is implemented in as pure assembly as possible. We do have to end up making some calls libc - in particular, system calls and exp. It is possible to make some system calls without calling libc; for example, here's munmap:

MOV	X16, #73
SVC	#0x80

In which we move the system call code for munmap (73) into the register X16 and execute the system call.

The problem is that this is not supported by Apple. Apple keeps the codes mostly private and does not document them anywhere, and all attempts I have made to search for the codes for fstat and mmap have come up empty. There is a link here, and some files deep in my local machine with codes, but everything seems outdated and does not work.

Worse, making system calls directly like above makes the code subject to breaking if Apple ever moves things around without telling anyone. For these reasons, I have opted to make system calls the way they want me to, simply by calling their C functions with BL _munmap, for example. For consistency, I do this for system calls even that I know can be called without the C library, such as write and open. Ultimately, the logic of my code barely changes (basically all MOV + SVC combos are replaced with a single BL, everything else around it pretty much untouched), and this guarantees the stability of this code in future versions of macOS.

And I cannot figure out how to get exp to work. I did find a page in the ARM Aarch64 documentation for FEXPA, which appears to be exponential-function related, but whenever I try to use this function I get a SIGILL. So for the time being, I have opted to stick with libSystem's exp function.