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Harun Reşid Ergen Milestone 1 Individual Contribution Report

Harun Reşid Ergen edited this page Nov 2, 2023 · 2 revisions

Member: Harun Reşid Ergen


  • Mobile Technologies Decision and Learning: I worked with the team to pick the best mobile tools. Then, I learned how to use them.

  • Page Design: Took role in conceptualizing and designing the various pages for our mobile application. This involved ensuring that the designs were user-friendly and aligned with our project goals.

  • Figma Design Creation: Was the primary person responsible for translating our design concepts into layouts on Figma. I tried to capture each design detail accurately.

  • Project Planning: I helped the team make a plan for our work. I specifically took on a leadership role for planning the mobile segment of our project, ensuring that timelines were realistic and tasks were allocated effectively.

  • Login and Registration Mechanisms: I made the Login and Signup pages for our app. I made sure they worked well and were safe. I also tested them to make sure there were no problems including backend mechanisms.

  • Deployment Readiness and Testing: I was involved in preparing the mobile app for deployment, ensuring that all aspects, including user authentication, were ready for a public release. Additionally, I was responsible for unit testing various components, particularly focusing on the login and registration mechanisms.

  • Customer Presentation: Worked on creating detailed use case scenarios to demonstrate the app's functionality to the customers, enhancing their understanding of the app's user experience.

Main contributions:

  • Code-related significant issues:

    • #329 Mobile/Unit tests: I wrote unit tests for input validation in registration and login pages.
    • #286 Deployment of mobile app: I was involved in making the app ready for deployment, addressing any final issues and ensuring overall app readiness.
    • #275 Mobile Login and Registration Pages : Worked on coding both the login and registration pages of the mobile app, focusing on functionality and design.
    • #270 Page Design Mobile : Personally handled the entire design process on Figma for this, ensuring that the layouts were responsive and visually appealing.
    • #266 Learn Jetpack Compose : I learned how Jetpack Compose can help our app.
    • #265 Learn MVVM Architecture : I learned about the MVVM method and how to use it in our app.
  • Management-related significant issues:

    • #298 User Case Scenario For Mobile App: I involved in preparing use case scenarios for customer presentation.
    • #262 Project Timeline Mobile: I worked with the team to decide the outline a comprehensive timeline for the mobile segment, ensuring that all milestones were realistic and achievable.
    • #249 Tech Stack Mobile: I looked into different tools to see which were best for our mobile work.

Pull requests:

  • #293 Feature/mobile 275 login registration pages: Coded login and registration pages and their mechanisms.
  • #332 Feature/mobile 329 unit tests: I wrote unit tests for login and registration pages, specifically focusing on input validation mechanisms.
  • Reviewed and merged:
    • #323 Feature/mobile 277 main page bottom navigation bar: I tested main page bottom navigation bar and it was working properly.

Additional information:

  • My role was dynamic, often requiring me to wear multiple hats. Whether it was design, code, or management, I ensured that I contributed to every aspect of the project. I led the team in creating the foundational designs for our app pages and ensured its readiness for deployment and testing.

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