0.58.0 (2021-05-03)
- AB#6892 updated readme on adding a country (f951e78)
- Add month lead time to fronted AB#6956 (dbd2d70)
- bug where events did not close AB#7200 (7368edd)
- correct timelineButton.alert for day leadTimes AB#7421 (ac48d2b)
- lint (442f746)
- lint (a6bf0da)
- only run pipeline for countries in settings.py AB#7418 (ffc6999)
- re-add geoserver layer manually AB#7419 (49bf3c5)
- Remove non-working folder name (823891b)
- Replace hazard model by disastertype (e7d1280)
- Replace hazard model by disastertype (43c5f38)
- resolve merge conflict (defdfc7)
- small sql-change needed AB#7419 (eddc096)
- tests (6a258af)
- under 9 layer from PHL to UGA AB#7421 (072a57b)
- AB#6891 added minimum version of PHL (2faabee)
- AB#6902 AB#6911 Created endpoint that accept data from era pipeline (f9ba5e7)
- AB#6924 Delete duplicate exposure data (49e7050)
- AB#7039 Trigger per lead time month (2493898)
- Add months as leadtime and disastertype in backend AB#6949 AB#6954 (d55ec99)
- set default leadtime for get admin-areas in backend AB#7199 (402ce0c)
- set default leadtime for get admin-areas in backend AB#7199 (fb73a10)
0.57.4 (2021-04-26)
0.57.3 (2021-04-23)
- correct cron-job filename AB#7036 (abdade2)
- correct mistake AB#6813 (4d28069)
- migrate egypt-triggers to seed AB#6813 (07e7490)
- process feedback AB#7093 (92a9a81)
- relation with country-entity + other improvements AB#6813 (b95acfe)
- remove runSetup in IBF-pipeline AB#6813 (b655050)
- remove unused function AB#6813 (03e7bbc)
- remove unused functions AB#6813 (3e527a0)
- use container-name instead of assign ip AB#6806 (e0019ed)
- use typeORM save instead of insert-querybuilder where possible AB#7093 (3483356)
0.57.2 (2021-04-19)
0.57.1 (2021-04-19)
- change mock station UGA AB#7064 (29270c6)
- revert temporary glofas api date override AB#7169 (ca7aecb)
- temporarily use available glofas api date AB# (185e023)