This is a small .NET library that enables easy C# code generation based on Classes and its elements.
It has ability to create ClassModels
and write it to .cs files.
Can specify their Members (Constructor
, Field
, Property
, Method
) including Attributes
and Parameters
Defining namespace
and using
Directives is supported as well.
Library can also generate Enums
and Interfaces
, and create NestedClasses
inside parent class.
BaseElement has Config for: IndentSize, Comment, CommentHasSummaryTag(df:true), AccessModifier, BuiltInDataType, CustomDataType, Name
Property more Config: IsGetOnly, IsAutoImplemented, GetterBody, SetterBody
CsGenerator Settings are: DefaultTabSize
: 4 | OutputDirectory
: "Output" |
-- List of components --
AccessModifier: public, private, protected, internal, protected_internal
BuiltInDataType: void, bool, byte, int, long, decimal, float, double, char, string, object
CommonDataType: DateTime, Guid
KeyWord: this, abstract, partial, static, new, virtual, override, sealed, const, async, readOnly
IndentType: None, Single, Double, Triple, Quadruple
For more complex code with indented segments specific Indent value should be set (prepend in a loop) for all internal lines/elements.
Package targets .NET Standard 2.0 so can be used both with .NetFramework and .NetCore / .Net (new unified)
Installation package: 'Install-Package CsCodeGenerator'
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Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests.
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Also take a look into others packages:
-Open source (MIT or cFOSS) authored .Net libraries ( personal blog post)
â„– | .Net library | Description |
1 | EFCore.BulkExtensions | EF Core Bulk CRUD Ops (Flagship Lib) |
2 | EFCore.UtilExtensions | EF Core Custom Annotations and AuditInfo |
3 | EFCore.FluentApiToAnnotation | Converting FluentApi configuration to Annotations |
4 | FixedWidthParserWriter | Reading & Writing fixed-width/flat data files |
5 | CsCodeGenerator | C# code generation based on Classes and elements |
6 | CsCodeExample | Examples of C# code in form of a simple tutorial |
Class Inheritance Hierarchy
|-* BaseElement
ClassModel : -----|
Property : -- Field : ----------|
Constructor : Method : ---------|
EnumModel : ------|
InterfaceModel : -|
Component Composition
|---Constructors (DefaultConstructor first)
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
| |---Attributes
| | |--- Parameters
| |
| |---Parameters
|---NestedClasses (recursively)
|--- ...
Following is first example of ComplexNumber class and then creating its ClassModel for writing to Complex.cs
There are 2 option to configure it:
-one is using Fluent methods (A)
-and other with pure classes and properties (B)
Class we want to generate:
using System;
using System.Model;
namespace CsCodeGenerator.Tests
[Description("Some class info")]
public partial class ComplexNumber : SomeBaseClass, NumbericInterface
protected const double PI = 3.14;
private string remark;
public ComplexNumber() { }
public ComplexNumber(double real, double imaginary = 0)
Real = real;
Imaginary = imaginary;
public static string DefaultFormat { get; } = "a + b * i";
public double Real { get; set; }
public double Imaginary { get; set; }
public virtual string Remark
get { return remark; }
set { remark = value; }
public double Modul()
return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);
public ComplexNumber Add(ComplexNumber input)
ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();
result.Real = Real + input.Real;
result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;
return result;
/// <summary>
// example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual
/// <summary>
public new virtual string ToString()
return $"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})";
A) Code to do it with Fluent methods [.WithElement() such as WithProperty
Fluent calls are composed with BaseElement, when configuring deeper level we need to instanciate with New and call in the scope.
To be able to get subElements returned to main scope (like EFCore FluentAPI setting works) then more extension methods would be needed - one example is commented in source code: WithPropertyReturn
var usingDirectives = new List<string>
string fileNameSpace = "CsCodeGenerator.Tests";
string complexNumberText = "ComplexNumber";
// Class
var classModel = new ClassModel();
var indent = classModel.Indent;
var complexNumberClass = (ClassModel)classModel
.WithAttribute(new AttributeModel("Description")
.WithParameter(@"""Some class info"""))
.WithConstructor(new Constructor(complexNumberText) { BracesInNewLine = false })
.WithConstructor(new Constructor(complexNumberText)
.WithParameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "real", null)
.WithParameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "imaginary", "0")
.WithBodyLine("Real = real;")
.WithBodyLine("Imaginary = imaginary;"))
.WithField(new Field(BuiltInDataType.Double, "PI") { SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Const, DefaultValue = "3.14" })
.WithField(new Field(BuiltInDataType.String, "remark") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private })
.WithProperty(new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "DefaultFormat")
{ SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Static, IsGetOnly = true, DefaultValue = @"""a + b * i""" })
.WithProperty(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Real")
.WithProperty(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Imaginary")
.WithProperty(new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "Remark")
{ SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Virtual, IsAutoImplemented = false }
.WithSetter("remark = value"))
.WithMethod(new Method(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Modul")
.WithBodyLine("return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);"))
.WithMethod(new Method(complexNumberText, "Add")
.WithParameter(complexNumberText, "input", null)
.WithBodyLine("ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber")
.WithBodyLine("Real = Real + input.Real,")
.WithBodyLine("Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary,")
.WithBodyLine("return result;"))
.WithMethod(new Method(BuiltInDataType.String, "ToString") {
KeyWords = [KeyWord.New, KeyWord.Virtual],
Comment = "example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual" }
.WithBodyLine("return $\"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})\";"));
var complexNumberFile = new FileModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberFile.Namespace = fileNameSpace;
var csGenerator = new CsGenerator();
B) Alternative way without Fluent:
var usingDirectives = new List<string>
"using System;",
"using System.ComponentModel;"
string fileNameSpace = $"{Util.Namespace} CsCodeGenerator.Tests";
string complexNumberText = "ComplexNumber";
ClassModel complexNumberClass = new ClassModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberClass.SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Partial; // one way to set single KeyWord
//complexNumberClass.KeyWords.Add(KeyWord.Partial); // or alternative way
complexNumberClass.BaseClass = "SomeBaseClass";
var descriptionAttribute = new AttributeModel("Description")
SingleParameter = new Parameter(@"""Some class info""")
complexNumberClass.DefaultConstructor.IsVisible = true;
Constructor secondConstructor = new Constructor(complexNumberClass.Name);
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "real"));
secondConstructor.Parameters.Add(new Parameter(BuiltInDataType.Double, "imaginary") { Value = "0" });
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Real = real;");
secondConstructor.BodyLines.Add("Imaginary = imaginary;");
var fields = new Field[]
new Field(BuiltInDataType.Double, "PI") { SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Const, DefaultValue = "3.14" },
new Field(BuiltInDataType.String, "remark") { AccessModifier = AccessModifier.Private },
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
var properties = new Property[]
new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "DefaultFormat")
SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Static,
IsGetOnly = true,
DefaultValue = @"""a + b * i"""
new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Real"),
new Property(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Imaginary"),
new Property(BuiltInDataType.String, "Remark")
SingleKeyWord = KeyWord.Virtual,
IsAutoImplemented = false,
GetterBody = "remark",
SetterBody = "remark = value"
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
var methods = new Method[]
new Method(BuiltInDataType.Double, "Modul")
BodyLines = new List<string> { "return Math.Sqrt(Real * Real + Imaginary * Imaginary);" }
new Method(complexNumberText, "Add")
Parameters = new List<Parameter> { new Parameter("ComplexNumber", "input", null) },
BodyLines = new List<string>
"ComplexNumber result = new ComplexNumber();",
"result.Real = Real + input.Real;",
"result.Imaginary = Imaginary + input.Imaginary;",
"return result;"
new Method(BuiltInDataType.String, "ToString")
Comment = "example of 2 KeyWords(new and virtual), usually here would be just virtual",
KeyWords = new List<KeyWord> { KeyWord.New, KeyWord.Virtual },
BodyLines = new List<string> { "return $\"({Real:0.00}, {Imaginary:0.00})\";" }
}.ToDictionary(a => a.Name, a => a);
complexNumberClass.Fields = fields;
complexNumberClass.Properties = properties;
complexNumberClass.Methods = methods;
FileModel complexNumberFile = new FileModel(complexNumberText);
complexNumberFile.Namespace = fileNameSpace;
complexNumberFile.Classes.Add(complexNumberClass.Name, complexNumberClass);
CsGenerator csGenerator = new CsGenerator();
csGenerator.Files.Add(complexNumberFile.Name, complexNumberFile);
csGenerator.CreateFiles(); //Console.Write(complexNumberFile);