This repository holds the code for Symfony 4 and ReactJS.
To get it working, follow these steps:
Download Composer dependencies
Make sure you have Composer installed and then run:
php -d memory_limit=-1 composer.phar install
Setup the Database
Open your terminal, go to the source code directory and run mv
command to create .env
mv .env.dist .env
Open .env
Also, make sure the DATABASE_URL
setting is
correct for your system. For example, on my laptop, I updated the .env
file like this.
Then, create the database and the schema!
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
If you get an error that the database exists, that should
be ok. But if you have problems, completely drop the
database (doctrine:database:drop --force
) and try again.
Build your Assets
To build your assets, install the dependencies with yarn and then run encore:
yarn install
yarn run encore dev --watch
Start the built-in web server
You can use Nginx or Apache, but the built-in web server works great:
php bin/console server:run
Now check out the site at http://localhost:8000
and try log in with
For convenience
If you are using PhpStorm you may install and enable the Symfony Plugin via the preferences which provides more auto-completion for Symfony projects.
Special Thanks
I very thank Yomi for this Build a real-time PWA with React - Medium Post. That guided me to create this repository.