This POC intends to be an initial point of how to properly configure Argo Workflow to run in your local machine or wherever your cluster is.
Have installed docker, minikube and kubectl.
Start the cluster.
$ minikube start
Create a namespace.
$ kubectl create namespace poc-argo
namespace/poc-argo created
Install Argo Workflow applying manifest.
$ kubectl apply -n poc-argo -f
Create role binding.
$ kubectl create rolebinding default-admin --clusterrole=admin --serviceaccount=poc-argo:default --namespace=poc-argo
Open the namespace port to be able to access the web portal.
$ kubectl -n poc-argo port-forward deployment/argo-server 2746:2746
After that, endpoint should be ready to access:
Finally, install Argo CLI (Linux ─ for other OS go to releases page).
$ curl -sL | gzip -d > /tmp/argo && chmod +x /tmp/argo && sudo mv /tmp/argo /usr/local/bin/argo
Configure your CLI to point to the Argo server.
export ARGO_SERVER='localhost:2746'
export ARGO_HTTP1=true
export ARGO_SECURE=true
export ARGO_TOKEN=''
export ARGO_NAMESPACE=poc-argo
Check if it's working.
$ argo version
argo: v3.1.2
BuildDate: 2021-07-15T21:53:44Z
GitCommit: 98721a96eef8e4fe9a237b2105ba299a65eaea9a
GitTreeState: clean
GitTag: v3.1.2
GoVersion: go1.15.7
Compiler: gc
Platform: linux/amd64
argo-server: v3.0.3
BuildDate: 2021-05-11T21:18:51Z
GitCommit: 02071057c082cf295ab8da68f1b2027ff8762b5a
GitTreeState: clean
GitTag: v3.0.3
GoVersion: go1.15.7
Compiler: gc
Platform: linux/amd64
List your workflows.
$ argo list -n poc-argo
Submit the first test workflow and watch until completion.
$ argo submit -n poc-argo --watch
There are a bunch of manifest examples in this repo.
Take Argo CD for a spin with K3s and k3d -
Install Argo Workflows