Releases: bobthecow/psysh
Releases · bobthecow/psysh
PsySH v0.1.3
Fix PHP notice when running bin/psysh.
PsySH v0.1.2
- Avoid extra whitespace on output.
- Keep the input buffer open if a line ends with “\”
- Add “used” variables to the Closure presenter.
- Don’t run the shell automatically when the psysh bin is included.
- Work around complaints when initializing shell from CLI SAPI.
- Fix STDERR and STDIN while running as the CLI SAPI.
PsySH v0.1.1
- Handle unencodable floats: NAN, INF and -INF.
- Add a rudimentary
PsySH v0.1.0
Why hasn't there been a tagged release yet? Eeesh.