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Terraform fck-nat


A Terraform module for deploying NAT Instances using fck-nat. The (f)easible (c)ost (k)onfigurable NAT! The following is a list of features available with this module:

  • High-availability mode achieved through a floating internal ENI automatically attached to instances being started by an ASG
  • Optional consistent static IP via EIP re-attachment to the internet facing ENI
  • Cloudwatch metrics reported similar to those available with the managed NAT Gateway
  • Use of spot instances instead of on-demand for reduced costs


module "fck-nat" {
  source = "RaJiska/fck-nat/aws"

  name                 = "my-fck-nat"
  vpc_id               = "vpc-abc1234"
  subnet_id            = "subnet-abc1234"
  update_route_table   = true
  route_table_id       = "rtb-abc1234"
  # ha_mode              = true                 # Enables high-availability mode
  # eip_allocation_ids   = ["eipalloc-abc1234"] # Allocation ID of an existing EIP
  # use_cloudwatch_agent = true                 # Enables Cloudwatch agent and have metrics reported


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.3
aws >= 4.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_autoscaling_group.main resource
aws_iam_instance_profile.main resource
aws_iam_role.main resource
aws_instance.main resource
aws_launch_template.main resource
aws_network_interface.main resource
aws_route.main resource
aws_security_group.main resource
aws_ssm_parameter.cloudwatch_agent_config resource
aws_ami.main data source
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_iam_policy_document.main data source
aws_region.current data source
aws_vpc.main data source


Name Description Type Default Required
ami_id AMI to use for the NAT instance. Uses fck-nat latest AMI in the region if none provided string null no
cloudwatch_agent_configuration CloudWatch configuration for the NAT instance
namespace = optional(string, "fck-nat"),
collection_interval = optional(number, 60),
endpoint_override = optional(string, "")
"collection_interval": 60,
"endpoint_override": "",
"namespace": "fck-nat"
cloudwatch_agent_configuration_param_arn ARN of the SSM parameter containing the CloudWatch agent configuration. If none provided, creates one string null no
ebs_root_volume_size Size of the EBS root volume in GB number 2 no
eip_allocation_ids EIP allocation IDs to use for the NAT instance. Automatically assign a public IP if none is provided. Note: Currently only supports at most one EIP allocation. list(string) [] no
encryption Whether or not to encrypt the EBS volume bool true no
ha_mode Whether or not high-availability mode should be enabled via autoscaling group bool true no
instance_type Instance type to use for the NAT instance string "t4g.micro" no
kms_key_id Will use the provided KMS key ID to encrypt the EBS volume. Uses the default KMS key if none provided string null no
name Name used for resources created within the module string n/a yes
route_table_id Route table to update. Only valid if update_route_table is true string null no
subnet_id Subnet ID to deploy the NAT instance into string n/a yes
tags Tags to apply to resources created within the module map(string) {} no
update_route_table Whether or not to update the route table with the NAT instance bool false no
use_cloudwatch_agent Whether or not to enable CloudWatch agent for the NAT instance bool false no
use_spot_instances Whether or not to use spot instances for running the NAT instance bool false no
vpc_id VPC ID to deploy the NAT instance into string n/a yes


Name Description
ami_id AMI to use for the NAT instance. Uses fck-nat latest arm64 AMI in the region if none provided
autoscaling_group_arn The ARN of the autoscaling group if running in HA mode
cw_agent_config_ssm_parameter_arn The ARN of the SSM parameter containing the Cloudwatch agent config
encryption Whether or not fck-nat instance EBS volumes are encrypted
eni_arn The ARN of the static ENI used by the fck-nat instance
eni_id The ID of the static ENI used by the fck-nat instance
ha_mode Whether or not high-availability mode is enabled via autoscaling group
instance_arn The ARN of the fck-nat instance if running in non-HA mode
instance_profile_arn The ARN of the instance profile used by the fck-nat instance
instance_type Instance type used for the fck-nat instance
kms_key_id KMS key ID to use for encrypting fck-nat instance EBS volumes
launch_template_id The ID of the launch template used to spawn fck-nat instances
name Name used for resources created within the module
role_arn The ARN of the role used by the fck-nat instance profile
security_group_id The ID of the security group used by fck-nat ENIs
subnet_id Subnet ID to which the fck-nat instance is deployed into
vpc_id VPC ID to which the fck-nat instance is deployed into


No releases published


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  • HCL 95.2%
  • Makefile 3.0%
  • Shell 1.8%