A wrapper around secedit.exe to allow you to configure local security policies. This resource requires a Windows OS with secedit.exe.
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- UserRightsAssignment: Configures user rights assignments in local security policies.
- SecurityTemplate: Configures user rights assignments that are defined in an INF file.
- SecuritySetting: Configures additional Security Settings typically associated with SecurityPolicy.
- Policy: The policy name of the user rights assignment to be configured.
- Identity: The identity of the user or group to be added or removed from the user rights assignment.
- Path: Path to an INF file that defines the desired security policies.
- Name: Name of Security Setting you are changing. Required to allow setting of any value without having to specify a hashtable or array while ensuring that resource has a KEY parameter.
- ClearTextPassword:
- DependsOn:
- EnableAdminAccount:
- EnableGuestAccount:
- ForceLogoffWhenHourExpire:
- LockoutBadCount:
- LockoutDuration:
- LSAAnonymousNameLookup:
- MaxClockSkew:
- MaximumPasswordAge:
- MaxRenewAge:
- MaxServiceAge:
- MaxTicketAge:
- MinimumPasswordAge:
- MinimumPasswordLength:
- NewAdministratorName:
- NewGuestName:
- PasswordComplexity:
- PasswordHistorySize:
- PsDscRunAsCredential:
- ResetLockoutCount:
- TicketValidateClient:
- Refactored user rights assignment to read and test easier.
- Fixed bug in which friendly name translation may fail if user or group contains 'S-'.
- Fixed bug identified in issue 33 and 34 where Test-TargetResource would return false but was true
- Added functionality to support BaselineManagement Module.
- Updated UserRightsAssignment resource to respect dynamic local accounts.
- Added SecuritySetting resource to process additional INF settings.
- SecurityTemplate: Remove [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] attribute for IsSingleInstance parameter
- Fixed typos
- SecurityTemplate:
- Made SecurityTemplate compatible with Nano Server
- Fixed bug in which Path parameter failed when no User section was present
- Initial release with the following resources:
- UserRightsAssignment
- SecurityTemplate