These are the collected python shit projects witch may have a usage for anyone.
The install is very easy, just
dpkg -i pythonshit.deb
A deamon configured by /etc/python-shit/discordnotify.json that sends a push message per the "Schwering Benachrichtigungscenter". It has no arguments.
A program to list all the users online on a discord. It has no arguments.
Binds a key to an action of copying the selected text into a file and pasting contents from another file. Hookline means sth the test copied has to contain. It is designed for assisted browser automation.
usage: fromandto [-h] [-s HOOKLINE] [-d] [-v] readfile writefile
Insert line by line in a file from a GUI by just pressing a key (ESC exits everytime)
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s HOOKLINE, --hookline HOOKLINE
search for occurence of string
-d, --delay make a bigger delay before using clipboard
-v, --verbose verbose output
A too designed for indexing all contents of a special website.
Pastes line for line out of a file.
usage: insert [-h] [-e] filename
Insert line by line of a file into a GUI by just pressing a key
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-e, --enter makes an enter after insert