Electronic Computing Systems course assignment repository. Assembling virtual electronic devices from simpler ones and created a compiler for a small language.
The virtual electornic devices (some were logic gates) were modeled using a composite.
We had to assemble new virtual electornic devices from simpler ones implemented for us already.
We also built an assembler for Hack (a made up assembly language) which translates the assembly language to a made up binary machine language.
The machine language could be run using a special software, which we did not write, it was given to us.
Towards the end of the course, we built a small compiler for the Jack language, a very small language similar to Java
and compiling it to Hack (a made up assembly language).
Much of the compiler was already implemented for us, we just had to implement several left over staff.
The compiler comprised of a scanner, a parser and a code generator.
I cannot link to the assignments descriptions as it is not publicly available.