Check that you have cloned signoz/signoz
and currently are in signoz/deploy
If you don't have docker set up, please follow this guide to set up docker before proceeding with the next steps.
Now run the following command to install:
If you don't have docker-compose set up, please follow this guide to set up docker compose before proceeding with the next steps.
For x86 chip (amd):
docker-compose -f docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.yaml up -d
For Mac with Apple chip (arm):
docker-compose -f docker/clickhouse-setup/docker-compose.arm.yaml up -d
Open http://localhost:3301 in your favourite browser. In couple of minutes, you should see the data generated from hotrod in SigNoz UI.
helm repo add signoz
kubectl create ns platform
helm -n platform install my-release signoz/signoz
To access the UI, you can port-forward
the frontend service:
kubectl -n platform port-forward svc/my-release-frontend 3301:3301
Open http://localhost:3301 in your favourite browser. Few minutes after you generate load from the HotROD application, you should see the data generated from hotrod in SigNoz UI.
kubectl create ns sample-application
kubectl -n sample-application apply -f
To generate load:
kubectl -n sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
--restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl -X POST -F \
'locust_count=6' -F 'hatch_rate=2' http://locust-master:8089/swarm
To stop load:
kubectl -n sample-application run strzal --image=djbingham/curl \
--restart='OnFailure' -i --tty --rm --command -- curl \
Go to our official documentation site for more.