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connFu gem provides an easy way to get access to connFu platform using the defined DSL and the provisioning API.
connFu is a platform of Telefonica delivered by Bluevia Labs.
Please, check out www.connfu.com and if you need further information do not hesitate to contact us at support at connfu dot com
Mash voice, data, text and social streams like never before
Develop apps swiftly – connFu does all the heavy lifting
Merge social, voice and text channels into single streams
Global reach – choose phone numbers from around the world
Economy of code – do more with less
Apps that turn social signals into calls and voice messages
Group communication apps (voice, text, social)
Real-time collaboration tools
Voice apps controlled by Twitter
CRM applications (including call recording)
You can download the connFu-client gem directly from rubygems:
gem install connfu-client
This gem has two different aims:
connFu DSL: enables an easy way to create a connFu application.
connFu provisioning API client: wrapper to REST connFu API to manage applications.
connFu DSL allows you to create really powerful applications in just a few lines of code.
Create an application using the connFu web portal
Get the application token
Create an application scaffold using the connfu-client CLI:
connfu-client scaffold hello-world
Update the code generated in hello-world/application.rb with your valid application token:
Run the code:
ruby application.rb
You’ll get as output something like:
I, [2011-09-26T14:39:24.523208 #43421] INFO -- : Starting application with token 28d540c53b522e162d07baae0809115a D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.631370 #43421] DEBUG -- : The application devel-juan-1 has these channels: [] D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.638779 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher initializer D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.638870 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher starts D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.639365 #43421] DEBUG -- : Dispatcher waiting for a message from the Listener D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647047 #43421] DEBUG -- : Listener starts... D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647200 #43421] DEBUG -- : Waiting for a message from connFu stream D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647437 #43421] DEBUG -- : Connfu::ConnfuStream opening connection to stream.connfu.com:443 D, [2011-09-26T14:39:26.647535 #43421] DEBUG -- : Connfu::ConnfuStream start listening to stream /connfu-stream-devel-juan-1
A connFu channel is the way to retrieve inbound events related to the resources mapped to the application.
Actually there are three available channel types:
Voice: retrieves events related to calls and inbound sms to a specific number
Twitter: retrieves tweets related to one or more twitter accounts
RSS: retrieves new posts in a RSS feed
An application should listen at least one kind of channel.
A voice channel has four related events:
voice:join: a user joins a conference call
voice:leave: a user leaves a conference call
voice:*new**_*topic: the conference topic was changed
sms:new: a sms sent by an user was received in the number
require 'connfu' TOKEN = "<app-token>" Connfu.application(TOKEN) { listen(:voice) do |conference| conference.on(:join) do |call| puts "New inbound call from #{call[:from]} on number #{call[:to]}" end conference.on(:leave) do |call| puts "#{call[:from]} has left the conference #{call[:channel_name]}" end conference.on(:new_topic) do |topic| puts "New topic in the conference #{topic[:channel_name]}: #{topic[:content]}" end end listen(:sms) do |sms| sms.on(:new) do |message| puts "New inbound sms" puts "#{message}" end end }
A twitter channel has one related event:
twitter:new: a new tweet sent by an associated twitter account reached the application
require 'connfu' TOKEN = "<app-token>" Connfu.application(TOKEN) { listen(:twitter) do |twitter| twitter.on(:new) do |tweet| puts "#{tweet[:channel_name]} just posted a new tweet in the application: #{tweet.content}" end end }
This application defines two channels, voice and twitter, and handles conference rooms using a predefined whitelist.
Conference attendees can also tweet information regarding the chat room using the hashtag #conference.
require 'connfu' TOKEN = "<valid-app-token>" NEW_CALL_MESSAGE = "new call received" HANG_MESSAGE = "has left the call" Connfu.application(TOKEN) { listen(:voice) do on(:join) do |call| puts "#{NEW_CALL_MESSAGE} on number #{call[:destination]}" conf = ConferenceApp::find_by_conference_number(call[:destination]) if conf.is_allowed?(call[:origin]) puts "whitelist number received" else puts "not whitelist number" end end on(:hang) do |call| puts "#{call[:origin]} #{HANG_MESSAGE} #{call[:destination]}" ConferenceApp::find(call[:destination]).end(call[:origin]) end end listen(:twitter) do |channel| channel.filter = "text has #conference" on(:new) do |tweet| puts "A new tweet arrived" conf = ConferenceApp::find_by_twitter_user(tweet[:origin]) conf.wall.print("#{tweet[:origin]}: has tweeted #{tweet[:destination]}") end end listen(:foo) do |channel| on(:new) do |message| puts "This is an unsupported channel" end end }
With the provisioning API client you can manage your application channels.
All the requests should be signed using a specific application api_key
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key)
Actually there are three available channel types:
Voice: retrieves events related to calls and inbound sms to a specific number
Twitter: retrieves tweets related to one or more twitter accounts
RSS: retrieves new posts in a RSS feed
In the next subsections you can find examples about how to manage channels.
Please check the folder examples for deeper information
The next sections show information about how to manage voice channels in an application.
This snippet of code creates a voice channel and associates a phone number to the application.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.create_voice_channel("my-voice-channel", "UK")
Optionally a third parameter can be used defining the channel privacy settings:
Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Channel::WHITELIST : only a specific set of phone numbers can join the conference
Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Channel::PUBLIC : any user can join the conference
Valid country codes are UK and US
This snippet of code retrieves information about the voice channels associated to the application.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) voice_channels = application.get_voice_channel
This snippet of code retrieves information about a specific voice channel associated to the application.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) voice_channel = application.get_voice_channel("my-voice-channel")
This snippet of code updates the topic, privacy setting, welcome_message and rejected_message associated to the voice channel.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.update_voice_channel("my-voice-channel", {:topic =>"new topic", :welcome_message => "Hello!", :rejected_message => "You're not allowed to join the conference.", :privacy => Connfu::Provisioning::Voice::Privacy::PUBLIC})
This snippet of code deletes a voice channel previously created.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_voice_channel("my-voice-channel")
Only a predefined set of numbers can join a conference created using a voice channel. Numbers must be included in the conference whitelist before joining the conference.
This snippet of code adds a new user to the conference whitelist.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.add_whitelist("my-voice-channel", "paul", "0044654332")
This snippet of code retrieves a conference whitelist.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) whitelist = application.get_whitelist("my-voice-channel")
This snippet of code deletes the whole conference whitelist.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_whitelist("my-voice-channel")
This snippet of code deletes a specific whitelist item.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_whitelist("my-voice-channel", "0044654332")
A voice channel can have more than one mapped phone number. This will enable users from different countries join a conference with local rates.
This snippet of code adds a new phone number to the voice channel. The desired country must be supported.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.add_phone("my-voice-channel", "UK")
This snippet of code removes a phone number from the voice channel and release the resource.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_phone("my-voice-channel", "0044654332")
This snippet of code retrieves a voice channel phone lists.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) phones = application.get_phones("my-voice-channel")
This snippet of code creates a twitter channel with two twitter accounts and two hashtags to filter only those messages with a specific hashtag.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.create_twitter_channel("my-twitter-channel", {:origin => "juandebravo", :hashtags => ["ruby", "rails]})
This snippet of code retrieves information about all the twitter channels previously created.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) twitter_channels = application.get_twitter_channel
This snippet of code retrieves information about a specific twitter channel previously created.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) twitter_channel = application.get_twitter_channel("my-twitter_channel")
This snippet of code deletes a specific twitter channel previously created.
require 'connfu' application = Connfu::Provisioning::Application.new(api_key) application.delete_twitter_channel("my-twitter_channel")
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