Helper script makes it easier to deploy Acmeair to IBM Container Service (Kubernetes).
These are the scrpts that helps creating the Acmeair Microservices
- : This script supports these following operations. Created Apps to use Ingress Controller (note, ingress.yaml file might need to be manually run. e.g. kubectl create -f ingress.yaml)
- Install CLI plugins
- Login
- Clone Github
- Deploy Containers to IBM Container Service
- Populate Databases
- Undeploy Containers from IBM Container Service
- :This script helps deleting the images created in the IBM Container Registry. Optionally, it can delete all containers & images created on the local job execution box on Linux (Please uncomment within the script to enable optional feature)
- Remove Images
In order to build Java Images, the hosting server must be Linux. Also, docker,git, Java & Maven must be installed
run command mvn to verify that maven is properly installed.
Verify that docker daemon is running on your linux.
Run the following to get the helper scripts
- git clone
Edit the script ( to enter these values
- API Key can be generated through IBM Cloud Dashboard. Go to "Manage" > "Security" > "IBM Cloud API Keys" to generate one.
- Kubernetes Cluster that you have created (Free cluster will not work for the Acmeair Microservices).
- Following command will display your current clusters
- bx cs clusters
- Namespace created in the IBM Container Registry to save the Docker Images.
- Following command will display your current namespaces
- bx cr namespaces
- (OPTIONAL) If using the docker repository hosted in INSTEAD of using Container Registry, set the following variables
- Set REGISTRY as your docker repository user name
- Set DOCKER_PASSWORD as your docker repository user password
- Default is dev. Please change it to the space which you are going to use.
- To find out your spaces, login IBM Cloud Dashboard. On the top, click your account name
- (e.g. John Doe's Account | US South : jdoe_org : dev)
- Select the correct account, region, org, then pick the space name
- Default is ng whcih means it us US South - Dallas, TX. Please change it to the Region which you are going to use.
- To find out your regions, login IBM Cloud Dashboard. On the top, click your account name
- (e.g. John Doe's Account | US South : jdoe_org : dev)
- Select the correct account, then pick the region name. Find the corresponding Region Prefix to be used in the script
- US South : ng
- United Kingdom : eu-gb
- Sydney, Australia : au-syd
- Frankfurt, Germany : eu-de
- Default "latest". Change it to create multiple versions of the images using this tag.
Running ./ will give you brief command options
To Install the Prereq CLIs, run the following command
- ./ -p
To Run below -l, -c, -d and -db commands all together (Install all prereqs with ./ -p before running this command, then Acmeair Microservices will be up and running)
- ./ -a
To login IBM Cloud CLI, run the following command
- ./ -l
To clone repositories from github, run the following command
- ./ -c
Deploy Containers to IBM Container Service (Kubernetes). This command will build war file, create & push the docker image to the IBM Container Registry/Docker Repository, then create deployments, pods, services, etc into the specified IBM Container Services.
- ./ -d
- Note: If you are using free Container Registry, it might reach maximum allowed storage and pull traffic. Please check with the command bx cr quota. If the storage is reached to maximum, please delete "Authentication service" image (bx cr image-rm AFTER deploying to the Kubernetes. These images are used to recover failures & auto Scaling. If you see "ImagePulledOff" in kubectl get pods, that means either the image does not exist, or it reached to maximum pull traffic for the month.
To Populate Acmeair DBs, run the following command
- ./ -db
To Undeploy Containers from IBM Container Service, run the following command
- ./ -u
- While creating the Acmeair pods in your cluster, you see something as follows. Please export the KUBECONFIG so that kubectl is pointed to your cluster:
- The configuration for CLUSTER_NAME was downloaded successfully. Export environment variables to start using Kubernetes.
- export KUBECONFIG=/root/.bluemix/plugins/container-service/clusters/XXX/kube-config-XXX-XXX.yml
Verify that all deployments are running
- kubectl get deploy
Get the Application URL:
- kubectl get ingress
- If used, use the hostname listed under "HOSTS" for the "NAME" acmeair-ingress
- Follow the instruction here