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Blockstarter White Label API (Blockstarter Enterprise)

This is library helps to integrate blockstarter with client's dashboard



npm i blockstarter-wl

Available functions

  • auth
  • logout
  • confirmEmail
  • forgotPassword
  • resetPassword
  • changePassword
  • updateProfile
  • panel
  • address
  • contributors


First of all define a storage

var storage = {
    isBrowser: true,  //=> you cannot duplicate requests for browser
    baseUrl: "http://server.url",
    sessionId: null,
    apiKey: 'TEST-APIKEY',
    dashboard: null


Login or Register

var blockstarter = require('blockstarter-wl');

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
  throw "API Key is required";

  isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
  baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
  email: '',
  password: 'unique password',
  confirmUrl: "http://redirect-on-confirm" // will redirect here http://redirect-on-confirm?confirmation-id=XXXXX
  project: 'KickCity',
  reference: 'traffic-source',
  apiKey: storage.apiKey

}, function(err, session){
      if (err != null) {
        throw err;
      if (session.sessionId == null) {
        throw "Session ID is missing";
      storage.sessionId = session.sessionId;


Remove sessionId from the system

Confirm Email

Send confirmation-id and session-id to confirm email

Documentation is not ready

Forgot password

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
      throw "API Key is required";

var request = {
    isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
    baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
    apiKey: storage.apiKey,
    email: "",
    project: "KickCity",
    transport: "",
    returnUrl: "" //server will invoke
blockstarter.forgotPassword(request, function(err, dashboard){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;

Reset password

User obtains email message with restore password link and then user fills the form. You should obtain restore-key from query params and send it to the server


if (storage.apiKey == null) {
      throw "API Key is required";

var request = { 
    isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
    baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
    apiKey: storage.apiKey,
    newPassword: "newPassword",
    transport: "",
    restoreKey: "Obtain restore key from ?restore-key=SOME_RANDON_KEY"
blockstarter.resetPassword(request, function(err, dashboard){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;

Change password

Change password when session is created and user is online

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
      throw "API Key is required";

if (storage.sessionId == null) {
      throw "Session is required";

var request = {
    isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
    baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
    apiKey: storage.apiKey,
    sessionId: storage.sessionId,
    newPassword: "newPassword",
    oldPassword: "oldPassword",
    transport: ""
blockstarter.changePassword(request, function(err, dashboard){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;

Update Profile

Almost like changePassword but can update email, username, address optionaly

Documentation is not ready

Get Dashboard

Information about Totals, Rates, Currencies, etc. in order to build a main screen where contributor can

  1. get address to send money
  2. check his transactions
  3. check common information about project
  4. get total raised (progress)
if (storage.sessionId == null) {
      throw "Session is required";

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
      throw "API Key is required";
blockstarter.panel(storage, function(err, dashboard){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;
  storage.dashboard = dashboard;

Get Address

Get [btc, ltc, eth, waves, dash, zec] address

if (storage.sessionId == null) {
  throw "Session is required";

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
  throw "API Key is required";

if (storage.dashboard == null) {
  throw "Dashboard is required";

var request = {
   isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
   baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
   apiKey: storage.apiKey,
   sessionId: storage.sessionId,
   dashboard: storage.dashboard,
   type: 'ltc'

blockstarter.address(request, function(err, addressInfo){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;

Ask for help

User can ask for help and admin will contact him by email

if (storage.sessionId == null) {
  throw "Session is required";

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
  throw "API Key is required";

blockstarter.helpMe(storage, function(err, info){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;

List of contributors

Get list of contributors for administrator

if (storage.apiKey == null) {
  throw "API Key is required";

var request = { 
   isBrowser: storage.isBrowser,
   baseUrl: storage.baseUrl,
   apiKey: storage.apiKey,  
   project: "KickCity"

blockstarter.contributors(request, function(err, list){
  if (err != null) {
    throw err;