UIEEx(UIElement Extension) is an extension library of Unity UI Elements package. UIEEx improve the workflow of creating editor & runtime UI with UI Elements.
- Go to Package Manager window via
Window/Package Manager
- Click the add
button in the status bar
- Select Add package from git URL from the add menu
- Fill the git URL with https://github.com/blightue/UIEEx.git and click Add
- Download and unzip the source code to your disk
- Go to Package Manager window via
Window/Package Manager
- Click the add
button in the status bar
- Select Add package from disk from the add menu
- Select the package.json file in the unzipped folder
UIELayout.[ElementName]([Element Constructor Parameters], [Parent Element(Optional Arguments)])
to create visual elements. If parent parameter is specified, the element will be added to its parent element automatically. -
// Label Element Constructor: // Label label = new Label("Content"); Label label = UIELayout.Label("Content", rootVisualElement);
for elements which inUnityEngine.UIElements
for elements which inUnityEditor.UIElements
UIEEx provide method chaining for elements, you can use
to set element property. -
Check all supported properties in ElementExtension api documentation.
Button button = UIELayout.Button(rootVisualElement) .SetBindingPath("m_ButtonName") .SetBindObject(serializedObject);
EditorWindow Sample
public class UIEExSample : EditorWindow { [SerializeField] private int clickedCount = 0; [MenuItem("Tools/UIEEx Sample")] private static void ShowWindow() { var window = GetWindow<UIEExSample>(); window.Show(); } private void CreateGUI() { Label label = UIELayout.Label("Click the btn below", rootVisualElement); Button btn = UIELayout.Button (() => { clickedCount += 1; label.SetText("Button clicked " + clickedCount + " times"); }, rootVisualElement) .SetText("Click me"); } }
Custom Editor Sample
[CustomEditor(typeof(TestClass))] public class TestClassEditor : UnityEditor.Editor { private TestClass _target; public override VisualElement CreateInspectorGUI() { VisualElement root = new VisualElement (); TextField inputField = UIELayout. TextField("My Text", root) .SetBindingPath(nameof(_target. m_Text)); IntegerField countField = EditorUIELayout.IntegerField("My Count", 100, root) .SetBindingPath(nameof(_target. m_Count)); return root; } }