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Xcode Archive for Mac

Step changelog

Create an archive for your macOS project


The Step creates an archive using the xcodebuild archive command for your macOS project so you can share it, upload it, or deploy it.

Configuring the Step

Before you start:

Make sure your certificates are uploaded to Bitrise's Code Signing tab.

To configure the Step:

Under app/pkg export configs:

  1. Select the signing method for your project Xcode should use in the Export method input.
  2. (Optional) Specify a custom export option in the Custom export options plist content input. If you leave this input blank or the Step doesn't find an export method based on the provisioning profile(s), the Step will use the development method.

Under xcodebuild configs:

  1. Add the path where your Xcode Project or Workspace is located in the Project (or Workspace) path input.
  2. Add the scheme name you want to use to archive your project in the Scheme name input.
  3. (Optional) By default, your Scheme defines which configuration is used, but you can override this option in the Configuration name input.
  4. In the Clean build before archive input, select yes, if you want to run a clean xcodebuild before the archive action. Select no to skip this.
  5. (Optional) If you wish to make your build times faster, and you don't need indexing, consider turning it off by setting Disable indexing during the build input to yes.

Under force archive codesign settings:

  1. (Optional) If you want to force xcodebuild to use specified code sign identities or provisioning profiles, you can do so in the inputs under the force archive codesign settings tab.

Under step output configs:

  1. Select an xcodebuild command log format in the Output tool input. Available options are xcpretty: The xcodebuild command's output will be prettified by xcpretty, and xcodebuild: Only the last 20 lines of raw xcodebuild output will be visible in the build log. The raw xcodebuild log is exported in both cases.
  2. Specify which directory will contain the generated .app or .pkg files and the files in the Output directory input.
  3. Provide a name to use as a basename for the generated files in the Generated Artifact Name input.
  4. If you want to export the archive, set the Export the generated archive? input to yes. This will compress the generated files into a zip file and move them to a folder output_dir.
  5. If you want to export the dsyms, set the Export all dsyms? input to yes.
  6. Set Enable verbose logging input to yes to produce more informative logs.


If you receive an error about missing signing certificates during this Step, make sure that your certificates are uploaded to Bitrise's Code Signing tab.

Useful links

Related Steps

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.


Create an archive and export the app, then deploy it as a build artifact:

- certificate-and-profile-installer: {} # Requires certificates and profiles uploaded to Bitrise
- xcode-archive-mac:
    - scheme: $BITRISE_SCHEME
    - export_method: app-store
- deploy-to-bitrise-io: {}

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
export_method The method for exporting the application. - development: Save a copy of the application signed with your Development identity. - app-store: Sign and package application for distribution in the Mac App Store. - developer-id: Save a copy of the application signed with your Developer ID. - none: Export a copy of the application without re-signing. See xcodebuild -help for more information. required development
custom_export_options_plist_content Used for Xcode version 7 and above. Specifies a custom export options plist content that configures archive exporting. If empty, Step generates these options based on provisioning profile, with default values. Auto generated export options available for export methods: - app-store - ad-hoc - enterprise - development If the Step doesn't find an export method based on the provisioning profile(s), the development method will be used. Call xcodebuild -help for available export options.
project_path A .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace path. required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme Scheme to use in archiving required $BITRISE_SCHEME
configuration (optional) The configuration to use. By default, your Scheme defines which configuration (Debug, Release, ...) should be used, but you can overwrite it with this option. Make sure that the Configuration you specify actually exists in your Xcode Project. If it does not (for example, if you have a typo in the value of this input), Xcode will simply use the Configuration specified by the Scheme and will silently ignore this parameter!
is_clean_build Do a clean Xcode build before the archive? required yes
workdir Working directory of the Step. You can leave it empty to leave the working directory unchanged. $BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR
xcodebuild_options Options added to the end of the xcodebuild call. You can use multiple options, separated by a space character. Example: -xcconfig PATH -verbose
disable_index_while_building Could make the build faster by adding COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO flag to the xcodebuild command which will disable the indexing during the build. Indexing is needed for * Autocomplete * Ability to quickly jump to definition * Get class and method help by alt clicking. Which are not needed in CI environment. Note: In Xcode you can turn off the Index-WhileBuilding feature by disabling the Enable Index-WhileBuilding Functionality in the Build Settings.
In CI environment you can disable it by adding COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO flag to the xcodebuild command.
force_team_id Used for Xcode version 8 and above. Force xcodebuild to use the specified Developer Portal team during archive. Format example: - 1MZX23ABCD4
force_code_sign_identity Force xcodebuild to use specified Code Sign Identity. Specify code signing identity as full ID (e.g. Mac Developer: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4)) or specify code signing group ( Mac Developer or Mac Distribution ). You also have to specify the Identity in the format it's stored in Xcode project settings, and not how it's presented in the GUI! The input is case sensitive: Mac Distribution works but mac distribution does not!
force_provisioning_profile_specifier Used for Xcode version 8 and above. Force xcodebuild to use specified Provisioning Profile. How to get your Provisioning Profile Specifier: - In Xcode make sure you disabled Automatically manage signing on your project's General tab - Now you can select your Provisioning Profile Specifier's name as Provisioning Profile input value on your project's General tab - force_provisioning_profile_specifier input value build up by the Team ID and the Provisioning Profile Specifier name, separated with slash character ('/'): TEAM_ID/PROFILE_SPECIFIER_NAME Format example: - 1MZX23ABCD4/My Provisioning Profile
force_provisioning_profile Force xcodebuild to use the specified Provisioning Profile. Use Provisioning Profile's UUID. The profile's name is not accepted by xcodebuild. How to get your UUID: - In Xcode select your project -> Build Settings -> Code Signing - Select the desired Provisioning Profile, then scroll down in profile list and click on Other... - The popup will show your profile's UUID. Format example: - c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068
output_tool If output_tool is set to xcpretty, the xcodebuild output will be prettified by xcpretty. If output_tool is set to xcodebuild, the raw xcodebuild output will be printed. required xcpretty
output_dir This directory will contain the generated .app or .pkg file's and files. $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR
artifact_name This name will be used as basename for the generated .xcarchive, .app or .pkg and files. required ${scheme}
is_export_xcarchive_zip If this input is set to yes, the generated .xcarchive will be zipped and moved to output_dir. required no
is_export_all_dsyms If this input is set to yes Step will collect every dsym (.app dsym and framwork dsyms) in a directory, zip it and export the zipped directory path. Otherwise only .app dsym will be zipped and the zip path exported. required no
verbose_log Enable verbose logging? required no
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_EXPORTED_FILE_PATH The created or .pkg file's path
BITRISE_APP_PATH The created .app path
BITRISE_DSYM_PATH The created file's path
BITRISE_XCARCHIVE_PATH The created file's path
BITRISE_MACOS_XCARCHIVE_PATH The created .xcarchive dir's path

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Note: this step's end-to-end tests (defined in e2e/bitrise.yml) are working with secrets which are intentionally not stored in this repo. External contributors won't be able to run those tests. Don't worry, if you open a PR with your contribution, we will help with running tests and make sure that they pass.

Learn more about developing steps: