This script allows you to easily manage the installation, uninstallation, and configuration of the Snell proxy server. It provides a menu-based interface to perform these operations.
- Install Snell Proxy Server
- Uninstall Snell Proxy Server
- View Snell Configuration
- Supports both AMD64 and ARM64 architectures
- A Debian-based system (e.g., Ubuntu)
- Root or sudo access
- Download and Run the script:
wget -O && chmod +x && ./
When you run the script, you will see the following menu:
=================author: jinqian==================
=== Snell 管理工具 ===
当前状态: 已安装/未安装
1. 安装 Snell
2. 卸载 Snell
3. 查看 Snell 配置
0. 退出
- 安装 Snell:
- Installs the Snell proxy server.
- Generates a random port and password for Snell configuration.
- Starts the Snell service and enables it to run at startup.
- 卸载 Snell
- Stops the Snell service.
- Disables Snell from running at startup.
- Removes all Snell-related files and configurations.
- 查看 Snell 配置:
- Displays the current Snell configuration, including the IP address, port, and password.
- 退出
- Exits the script.
After installing Snell, the script will display the configuration details:
Snell 安装成功
CN = snell, 123.456.789.012, 54321, psk = abcdefghijklmnopqrst, version = 4, reuse = true, tfo = true