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Releases: bitfumes/laravel-multiauth

Auth Provider admin model from config

28 Nov 15:12
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auth provider admin model is from config file

Change Models from Config file

25 Nov 16:03
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You can change any model from config file

Fixed New Auth Route Registration

17 Nov 04:36
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new auth route register fixed

Support for Laravel 8

12 Sep 05:30
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Updated for Laravel 8
Added Laravel Legacy Factory
Added Laravel UI version 3

New Auth Email Verified fixed

27 Mar 18:24
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If you need to have some route behind verified middleware, then you can use {guard}.verified
for example, if you have created a student guard then to protect student home page with email verified route you can add middleware like this inside routes/student.php file

Route::get('/', 'HomeController@index')->name('student.dashboard')->middleware('student.verified');

Laravel 7 friendly with laravel UI

13 Mar 07:04
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  • Upgraded to laravel 7
  • Added Laravel UI package by default
  • php artisan multiauth:install command automatically run php artisan ui bootstrap and then execute npm run install && npm run dev

Admin side with role and permissions

25 Dec 18:11
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This is the major release, do not update with the old version as this release has many breaking changes.
Activation route changed

Removed admin policy and added a dynamic gate to AuthServiceProvider

Moved model to the configuration file

Permission table added

Permission commands added

while seeding super admin, permission is added to the role

All permission related function is inside hasPermission trait

All factories moved to database/factories

Post method to GET method for admin.all, admin.role and routes

All permissions with admin details for every admin

BigIncrement and unsignedBigInteger for the schema of admin, admin_role and role table

Install command - include publishing migration, publishing factories, running all migration and seeding initial super admin with role and permissions.

Role permissions are added to role resource (for jwt-auth version)

While creating a role, permissions also stored

adminFormRequest is now having role_ids instead of role_id

while store or update admin, directPermissions can also be synced

All permissions are group by parent

Added permitTo and permitToParent blade syntax and middleware

Add Multiple role to middleware separated by semicolon (:)

Admin side with role and permissions

25 Dec 17:17
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This is the major release, do not update with the old version as this release has many breaking changes.

  1. Activation route changed

  2. Removed admin policy and added a dynamic gate to AuthServiceProvider

  3. Moved model to the configuration file

  4. Permission table added

  5. Permission commands added

  6. while seeding super admin, permission is added to the role

  7. All permission related function is inside hasPermission trait

  8. All factories moved to database/factories

  9. Post method to GET method for admin.all, admin.role and routes

  10. All permissions with admin details for every admin

  11. BigIncrement and unsignedBigInteger for the schema of admin, admin_role and role table

  12. Install command - include publishing migration, publishing factories, running all migration and seeding initial super admin with role and permissions.

  13. Role permissions are added to role resource (for jwt-auth version)

  14. While creating a role, permissions also stored

  15. adminFormRequest is now having role_ids instead of role_id

  16. while store or update admin, directPermissions can also be synced

  17. All permissions are group by parent

  18. Added permitTo and permitToParent blade syntax and middleware

  19. Add Multiple role to middleware separated by semicolon (:)

Fix for array helper function

19 Sep 17:24
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fix for array helper function

Fixed Str issue

15 Sep 07:57
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With laravel 6 str helper functions are deprecated, so this release now uses use Illuminate\Support\Str