msjTable is a jQuery plugin forked from jTable, to create AJAX based CRUD tables without coding HTML or Javascript.
- Record Preview feature :
recordPreview : true, // setting recordPreview to true, a view icon will appeare beside edit icon in each row
fields : {
first_name : {
title : 'First name',
edit : true,
create : true,
preview : true, // specify which field you want to be shown in preview dialog
type : 'text'
- Multi columns form for Create, Edit and Preview dialogs.
createFormColumns : 2, // set the number of columns in new record dialog
editFormColumns : 2, // set the number of columns in edit record dialog
viewFormColumns : 2, // set the number of columns in record preview dialog
- You can send any required fields to row-delete-request as POST data (jTable only sends single key field)
fields : {
first_name : {
title : 'First name',
edit : true,
create : true,
delete : true, // setting delete option of field to true, sends this field beside key field as parameters to delete request.
type : 'text'
Read More about additional features and its usage here
lib folder contains files necessary to use jTable.
dev folder contains parts of library helpful for development of jTable.
See for documentation, demos, themes and more...