Summary Intro What is Feathers Quick Start Your First App Getting Set Up Scaffolding and Services User Management Manipulating data Building a Front-end Why Feathers Philosophy Built with Feathers Features Feathers vs. X Express + Feathers vs Meteor Feathers vs Sails Feathers vs Firebase Feathers vs Parse Services Providers REST Realtime Primus Real-time Events Event Filtering Databases Pagination and sorting Querying Extending adapters In Memory KnexJS localStorage/AsyncStorage Mongoose MongoDB NeDB Sequelize Waterline LevelUP RethinkDB Hooks Usage Examples Built-in hooks Common hooks Client Use Feathers Client REST Primus Direct connection REST Primus Frameworks React React Native jQuery CanJS Angular Angular 2 Vue.js iOS Android Choo Middleware Express Middleware Routing and Versioning HTTPS, VHost, sub-apps Authentication Token (JWT) Local (username & password) Oauth1 (Twitter, etc) OAuth2 (Facebook, etc) Two Factor Password Management Feathers Client Authorization Bundled Hooks Error Handling Logging Configuration Debugging Testing Security Core API Guides Migrating to Feathers 2 Using A View Engine Uploading files Creating a plugin Help FAQ Contributing Changelog License