Allow voice control of Rainbird Sprinkler Wifi. This will allow you to start a program and stop the irrigation. Biofects, is not affiliated with Rainbird corperation or its affailites. This application relies to be run in Docker with a simple build and run. I run this from my Raspberry pi along my other Docker applications.
If you like this and want continous development or want other developed you can dontate here
- Clone ths repo
- Edit config.cfg (do not use quotes)
key = Add Key here*
ip = IP of your Rainbird Link Module
pass = Password of your Rainbird Link Module*
a = Program a Name (use only single word i.e. (all - to run all zones)
b = Program b Name (use only single word i.e. (back - to run all zones in backyard)
c = Program c Name (use only single word i.e. (front - to run all zones in front yard)
d = Program d Name (use only single word i.e. (flowers to run flowers drip)*
- docker build -t sprinkler:latest
- docker run -d -p
:5000 sprinkler:latest - Ensure you have port forward set up for the port you want open from ifttt
Create a new Applet
Google Assistant with simpe phrase with text ingredient. Start water in $
http:// your public IP:port
Content Type
{'apikey':'key for application
Once the Docker is running you can do a simple Curl call to test
curl -X GET local-ip:port/sprinkler/front -d {'apikey':''key you created'} -H "Content-type: Application/json"
if you login to your running docker image, you can look at the pypython.log file for send and reply call-backs