This script will summaryze the nucleotide content in a fasta file by calculating:
Total sequences
Total bases
Total Ns (undefined bases)
Total Gaps (strings of undefined bases longer than 5)
Shortest sequence
Longest sequence
Mean length
Overall G+C content
Min G+C per sequence
Max G+C per sequence
Before running the script, make sure the following libraries are installed (tested in Python 3.8.12, macOS Big Sur):
import tabulate
import plotext as plt
Results are also printed on the screen, make sure you're using a suitable python version.
python -h
usage: [-h] -i INPUT -o OUTPUT
Calculate summary statistics for genome assemblies
Tested in python 3.8.12
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Mandatory arguments:
-i INPUT, --input, Input fasta file (genome assembly)
-o OUTPUT, --output, Prefix for the output files, results are also printed on screeen
Running script with test file:
python -i pfalciparium3D7_PlasmoDB-61.fasta -o pf3d7
Results are also saved in a tsv file, as shown in the figure above (pf3d7_Summary.txt). It will also produce a table containing the cumulative length (pf3d7_CumulativeLength.txt).