A collection of CloudFormation custom providers for managing KONG API Gateway resources
It is quite easy: you specify a CloudFormation resource of type Custom::KongService and a Custom::KongRoute:
Type: Custom::KongService
name: header-service
host: httpbin.org
protocol: https
AdminURL: !Ref 'AdminURL'
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-kong-provider'
Type: Custom::KongRoute
- /headers
id: !Ref 'HeaderService'
AdminURL: !Ref 'AdminURL'
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-kong-provider'
The Service
object takes all properties as defined by add-service except url
The Route
object takes all properties as defined by add-route.
You specify a CloudFormation resource of type Custom::KongPlugin, as follows:
Type: Custom::KongPlugin
name: key-auth
service:id: !Ref 'HeaderService'
AdminURL: !Ref 'AdminURL'
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-kong-provider'
the Plugin
object takes all properties as defined by add-plugin.
You specify a CloudFormation resource of type Custom::KongConsumer, as follows:
Type: Custom::KongConsumer
username: johndoe
AdminURL: !Ref 'AdminURL'
ServiceToken: !Sub 'arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:binxio-cfn-kong-provider'
The Consumer
object takes all properties as defined by add-consumer.
You can also add credentials with Custom::KongCredential and ACLs with Custom::KongACL to the consumer.
To install these custom resources, type:
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM \
--stack-name cfn-kong-provider \
--template-body file://cloudformation/cfn-resource-provider.yaml
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name cfn-kong-provider
This CloudFormation template will use our pre-packaged provider from 463637877380.dkr.ecr.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/xebia/cfn-kong-provider:1.0.0
For the demo to work, we need a deployed Kong API Gateway that is accessible from the Internet. If you do not have one, type:
cd tests
ADMIN_URL=$(curl -sS http://localhost:4040/api/tunnels/ | jq -r '.tunnels| map(select(.proto == "http")|.)[0].public_url ')
export ADMIN_URL
Note that it will create an entire Kong setup, including a VPC, loadbalancers and a Postgres Database. Do not forget to clean up afterwards.
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name cfn-kong-provider-demo \
--template-body file://cloudformation/demo-stack.yaml \
--parameters ParameterKey=AdminURL,ParameterValue=$ADMIN_URL
aws cloudformation wait stack-create-complete --stack-name cfn-kong-provider-demo
To validate the result, type:
curl $ADMIN_URL/services/header-service
curl $ADMIN_URL/services/header-service/plugins
curl $ADMIN_URL/consumers/johndoe
curl $ADMIN_URL/consumers/johndoe/acls
curl $ADMIN_URL/consumers/johndoe/basic-auth
curl $ADMIN_URL/consumers/johndoe/key-auth
As of version 0.5.0 we added support for Kong service
and route
API objects and deprecated support for the Kong api
API object.
As of version 0.6.0 we have dropped support for Custom::KongAPI and Kong API version 0.x.
- Custom::KongAPI resources should be replaced by a Custom::KongService and Custom::KongRoute pair.
- Anywhere reference to consumer_id, service_id or route_id should be replaced with the nested construct
"<consumer|service|route>": { "id": "<id>" }
or it's yaml equivalent.