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Logic service is do many base-service with complicated transaction script bean service.
You must first understand the following framework
- Spring http://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/htmlsingle/
- Hibernate http://hibernate.org/
- Dozer https://github.com/DozerMapper/dozer
- MyBatis https://github.com/mybatis/mybatis-3
- Activiti BPMN http://activiti.org/
BaseLogicService is minimum unit Logic Service, it main support CORE-SYSTEM used.
Name | Return | description |
getAccountId() | String | get user account id |
defaultString(String source) | String | null will return blank |
isBlank(String source) | boolean | null/blank true, found value false |
isNoSelectId(String value) | boolean | value not a select option item or Please select return true |
setStringValueMaxLength(T obj, String fieldName, int maxLength) | <T> BaseValue |
set value object variable field max string size, main used of description field |
replaceSplit2Blank(T obj, String fieldName, String split) | <T> BaseValue |
set value object variable, replace split value to blank |
reference example:
CoreBaseLogicService is extends BaseLogicService, it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM, QCHARTS-SYSTEM.
Name | Return | description |
findAccountData() | AccountVO | get current user account object |
findAccountData(String accountId) | AccountVO | get user account object by account-Id |
findUserRoles() | List<TbUserRole> |
get current user Role data |
findUserRoles(String accountId) | List<TbUserRole> |
get user Role data by account-Id |
findUploadData(String oid) | SysUploadVO | find upload data log |
findUploadDataForNoByteContent(String oid) | SysUploadVO | find upload data log, not blob content field value |
reference example:
BscBaseLogicService is extends CoreBaseLogicService, it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM.
Name | Return | description |
findOrganizationData(String oid) | OrganizationVO | find organization data by OID |
findEmployeeData(String oid) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by OID |
findOrganizationDataByUK(String orgId) | OrganizationVO | find organization data by organization-ID |
findEmployeeDataByUK(String accountId, String empId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by employee UK / unique key |
findEmployeeDataByAccountId(String accountId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by account-id |
findEmployeeDataByEmpId(String empId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by employee-id / employee-no |
reference example:
BscBaseBusinessProcessManagementLogicService is extends CoreBaseLogicService and BusinessProcessManagementBaseLogicService.
BscBaseBusinessProcessManagementLogicService it main support GSBSC-SYSTEM with BPMN.
Name | Return | description |
findOrganizationData(String oid) | OrganizationVO | find organization data by OID |
findEmployeeData(String oid) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by OID |
findOrganizationDataByUK(String orgId) | OrganizationVO | find organization data by organization-ID |
findEmployeeDataByUK(String accountId, String empId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by employee UK / unique key |
findEmployeeDataByAccountId(String accountId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by account-id |
findEmployeeDataByEmpId(String empId) | EmployeeVO | find employee data by employee-id / employee-no |
getBusinessProcessManagementResourceId() | String | get BO BPMN resource-Id |
getBusinessProcessManagementResourceObject() | SysBpmnResourceVO | get CORE-SYSTEM BO BPMN resource object |
startProcess(Map<String, Object> paramMap) |
String | start process |
completeTask(String taskId, Map<String, Object> paramMap) |
void | complete process task |
queryTask() | List<Task> |
query process tasks |
queryTaskPlus() | List<BusinessProcessManagementTaskVO> |
query process tasks |
queryTaskPlus(String variableKeyName, String variableKeyValue) | List<BusinessProcessManagementTaskVO> |
query process tasks by args variable name and value found |
queryTaskByVariable(String variableKeyName, String variableKeyValue) | List<Task> |
query process tasks by args variable name and value found |
isRoleAllowApproval(String taskName) isRoleAllowApproval(String accountId, String taskName) |
boolean | check approval task permission, true has permission, false is no permission |
reference example:
config file reference:
Name | description |
@ServiceAuthority | check=true this Logic service enable Authority check, check=false disable |
@ServiceMethodAuthority | method Authority type |
type list
Name | description |
SELECT | method select data mode |
INSERT | method insert data mode |
UPDATE | method update data mode |
DELETE | method delete data mode |
package com.netsteadfast.greenstep.aspect;
public class AspectConstants {
// for DAO config
public static final String DATA_ACCESS_OBJECT_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.dao..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.dao..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.dao..*.*(..) ) ";
// for Base Service config
public static final String BASE_SERVICE_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.service.*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.service.*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.service.*.*(..) ) ";
// for Logic Service config
public static final String LOGIC_SERVICE_PACKAGE = " execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.service.logic..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.bsc.service.logic..*.*(..) ) || execution(* com.netsteadfast.greenstep.qcharts.service.logic..*.*(..) ) ";
Please use:
Role's permitted settings -> 01 - Role
function to add permitted value
Logice bean id is bsc.service.logic.KpiLogicService
and method ServiceMethodAuthority type is INSERT
permitted string value is: bsc.service.logic.KpiLogicService#INSERT
role permitted table:
select * from tb_role_permission