A simple implementation of the SL-SP algorithm for MRF reconstruction:
”High-quality MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction using Structured Low-rank Matrix Completion and Subspace Projection“
- [1] Hu Y, Li P, Chen H, et al. High-quality MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction using Structured Low-rank Matrix Completion and Subspace Projection[J]. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 2021.
- [2] Li P, Hu Y. Mr Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery And Subspace Modeling[C]//2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, 2021: 1214-1217.
To run the simulation open: "main.m" in Matlab and press Run button.
Some of the codes are taken from
- Paper:“Low-rank magnetic resonance fingerprinting” http://webee.techni-on.ac.il/Sites/People/YoninaEldar/software_det18.php
- Paper:“A Fast Algorithm for Convolutional Structured Low-Rank Matrix Recovery” https://github.com/cbig-iowa/giraf
- Brian Hargreaves webpage: http://mrsrl.stanford.edu/~brian/mritools.html
- Michael Lustig webpage: https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~mlustig/
- Bloch: FISP simulations
- data: store data for simulation, including FA, TR, Mask, etc..
- methods: SL-SP methods
- simulations: dictionary generation, dictionary matching, etc..
- showRseults: plot results
The code is tested in the matlab2021 on a Windows workstation with an Intel Xeon 3.80 GHz CPU and an Nvidia Quadro GV100 GPU.