Table of contents
This program is a plugin for Linux Audit user space programs available at <>. It uses the audisp multiplexer.
Audisp-json correlates messages coming from the kernel's audit (and through audisp) into a single JSON message that is sent directly to a log server (it doesn't use syslog). The JSON format used is MozDef message format.
Regular audit log messages and audisp-json error, info messages still use syslog.
Required dependencies: - Audit (2.0+) - libtool - libcurl
For package building: - FPM - rpmbuild (rpm)
They're self explanatory.
- make
- make rpm
- make deb
- make install
- make uninstall
- make clean
We previously used audisp-cef, so we would want to mark that package as obsolete.
- make rpm FPMOPTS="--replaces audisp-cef"
- make deb FPMOPTS="--replaces audisp-cef"
These examples filter out messages that may clutter your log or/and DOS yourself (high I/O) if auditd goes down for any reason.
#Drop native audit messages from the kernel (may happen is auditd dies, and may kill the system otherwise) :msg, regex, "type=[0-9]* audit" ~ #Drop audit sid msg (work-around until RH fixes the kernel - should be fixed in RHEL7 and recent RHEL6) :msg, contains, "error converting sid to string" ~
source s_syslog { unix-dgram("/dev/log"); }; filter f_not_auditd { not message("type=[0-9]* audit") or not message("error converting sid to string"); }; log{ source(s_syslog);f ilter(f_not_auditd); destination(d_logserver); };
Syscalls are interpreted by audisp-json and transformed into a MozDef JSON message. This means, for example, all execve() and related calls will be aggregated into a message of type EXECVE.
Supported messages are listed in the document messages_format.rst
The audisp-json.conf file has 4 options:
mozdef_url: | Any server supporting JSON MozDef messages |
ssl_verify: | Yes or no. Only use no for testing purposes. |
curl_verbose: | Enables curl verbose mode for debugging. start audisp-json in the foreground to see messages. |
curl_cainfo: | Specify the path to a single CA certificate, if needed. When not specified, system's CA bundle is used. |