Bevy version 8316d89
The deferred rendering example is broken on Windows 10 / Vulkan.
The issue was introduced at 2ae5a21 with #13497
Caused by:
In Device::create_render_pipeline, label = 'deferred_lighting_pipeline'
Error matching ShaderStages(FRAGMENT) shader requirements against the pipeline
Shader global ResourceBinding { group: 0, binding: 22 } is not available in the pipeline layout
View dimension D3 (is array: false) doesn't match the binding Sampler(Filtering)
Additionally, it issues the following warning:
Too many textures in mesh pipeline view layout, this might cause us to hit `wgpu::Limits::max_sampled_textures_per_shader_stage` in some environments.
This means it will also be broken on WebGL2, WebGPU, and some native platforms. I haven't investigated yet if solving the create_render_pipeline
issue will also reduce the number of samples textures (allowing it to run on wasm, etc...)