- Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil
(UTC -03:00) - @betocoelho_r
A zero-config VS Code database extension with affordances to aid development and debugging.
Docker image with Nginx using the nginx-rtmp-module module for live multimedia (video) streaming.
Html email blade components for Laravel. Html email footer signature example. Products html email newsletter (RWD).
Vamos transformar o Brasil em uma API?
The web framework for content-driven websites. ⭐️ Star to support our work!
betowebti / MyProctor
Forked from narender-rk10/MyProctor.ai-AI-BASED-SMART-ONLINE-EXAMINATION-PROCTORING-SYSYTEMThis is a AI Based Smart Exam Proctoring System using python flask, mysql as database, yolov4
PostfixAdmin - web based virtual user administration interface for Postfix mail servers
Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
Converts a WordPress export XML file into Markdown files.
✍️ A simple tool to make elegant HTML email signatures
Carbon Language's main repository: documents, design, implementation, and related tools. (NOTE: Carbon Language is experimental; see README)
betowebti / bluelibs
Forked from bluelibs/bluelibsA collection of open-source software solutions designed for the modern web and enterprise scale.
Proposal for Common Data Models and APIs for Cannabis Software
País, cidades e estados. Com código IBGE Brasil. Com migrations, models, seeder, routes, config e views.
🇧🇷 Base de dados com todos os estados e cidades do Brasil
In this project, you can search for Github users and visit their repositories easily and simply!
API de emissão de notas fiscais construída em cima da sped-nfe. Feita com Phalcon PHP para oferecer altíssima performance 🚀🚀
Biblioteca para geração de boletos bancários em PHP
API Pix: a API do Arranjo de Pagamentos Instantâneos Brasileiro, Pix, criado pelo Banco Central do Brasil.
A conference app built with Ionic to demonstrate Ionic
Nginx Server Config For RTMP Streaming and HLS Streaming using FFMPEG
Biblioteca multibanco para geração e leitura de arquivos Cnab240 e Cna400 de remessa e retorno